A definition from the English dictionary
A small exclusive group of friends or associates.
intr.v. cliqued, cliqu·ing, cliques Informal
To form, associate in, or act as a clique.
[French, from Old French, latch or from obsolete French cliquer, to click, clink, of imitative origin.]
cliquey, cliquy, cliquish adj.
cliquish·ly adv.
cliquish·ness n
A group of lads with humour.
Not boring bastards who polish washer jets and read rally rule books at bedtime.
Not responsible for the death of the forum again that's the boring bastards.
A definition from the English dictionary
A small exclusive group of friends or associates.
intr.v. cliqued, cliqu·ing, cliques Informal
To form, associate in, or act as a clique.
[French, from Old French, latch or from obsolete French cliquer, to click, clink, of imitative origin.]
cliquey, cliquy, cliquish adj.
cliquish·ly adv.
cliquish·ness n
A group of lads with humour.
Not boring bastards who polish washer jets and read rally rule books at bedtime.
Not responsible for the death of the forum again that's the boring bastards.