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Thoughts on this extinguisher combo please

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  • #16
    Cheers rob, i spoke to my fireman friend who said a two litre foam jobbie would give me 15-20 seconds of burst. So ive bought one as an interim as it was inexpensive. I will still investigate a decent one tho rob, chat soon


    • #17
      I am a MSA National Scrutineer and I have to inspect competition cars before they can be allowed to compete. All competition cars, depending on what discipline you choose to compete in, as a minimum, must carry a hand held fire extinguisher of AFFF type extinguishant. As anyone knows who have had to deal with fires on motor vehicles, AFFF is as much use as peeing on the flames!!! I strongly recommend having ZERO 2000, or better still, ZERO 360 fire extinguishers. If they are maintained and serviced regularly, and more importantly, you know how to use the fire extinguisher, will put most fires out.

      It is impractical to install a "Plumbed-In" system on a road car, but if you can, fit one. Have a nozzle pointing at the fuel delivery area (carbs etc) in the engine bay, and another nozzle pointing under the dash board...most electrical fires start there!

      As other people have previously said, Halon, or BCF as it was popularly known, was banned world wide from being used because the gas in the extinguisher propellant was damaging the planets Ozone layer.


      • #18
        Lifeline zero 360


        • #19
          Originally posted by loydpg View Post

          As other people have previously said, Halon, or BCF as it was popularly known, was banned world wide from being used because the gas in the extinguisher propellant was damaging the planets Ozone layer.
          And the fire it put out wasn't !


          • #20
            Originally posted by loydpg View Post

            As other people have previously said, Halon, or BCF as it was popularly known, was banned world wide from being used because the gas in the extinguisher propellant was damaging the planets Ozone layer.
            As quoted in the link from CHELT RS above, it has not been banned world wide, it is restricted in use.


            • #21
              As far as I understand Halon is due to be removed from aircraft in by 2016 too. I always thought it was over the top in the first place as Halon emissions from fire fighting equipment must have been negiable in the first place

              There are replacements for halon out on the market now, most weigh more than Halon. I would not even like to recommend a newer types of gas as I have not personally used them. I see one of the EU recommended halon replacements is 3M Novec as used in the Lifeline fire systems.

              I'm a bit miffed by the hate for AAAF it is designed to knock down hydrocarbon fires. I have personally used it with great effect to kill fires in training and real life.

              Please one thing Even if you think all the above is bollocks, if you find yourself in never lift a bonnett higher than to get a hand held extinguisher nozzle into the engine bay. And make sure what ever you use is serviced as per manufacturer's spec sorry to those who feel this is an egg sucking post

