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Christmas has come early !

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  • Christmas has come early !

    Picked up my new MKII last Saturday.......

    The car is a Custom, it was just ordered from Ford with Base seats in as it was used by Currie Motors as a demonstrator for 12 months and the Recaros were deemed 'too uncomfortable'.

    I knew she had a lot of history and documentation with her but when I had a good look through the file when I got home I found :

    Over 200 bills for everything from servicing to tyres
    Every tax disc
    Every MOT detailing all genuine 111k miles
    Original bill of sale


    The original sales brochure at the top is in mint condition, it has all the details of X pack cars and a full description of custom/non-custom differences.

    Still can't believe I paid less than £3k for the car. I have found a set of mint fishnets for her which I picked up yesterday (thanks Mark at Madhorse), will post a few more pictures when they are in and I have the car back from the paint shop (getting a few bits done rather than let them get any worse).



    RSOC Member - 6960

  • #2
    spooky, look at the reg number of mine


    • #3
      Looking good Arron.

      Did you sell thoe other (beige) car?


      • #4
        Too spooky Mick, any idea if your car came from Currie Motors as well ?

        Yes I did sell the Beige car Dermot, Dave V (on this site sometimes) bought it. I just could not get my head around the colour, the vinyl roof and the sunroof plus with all the mods it was a real pain to drive.

        I realised when Dave took it away that it wasn't MKII's in general I was fed up with but just that car, hence my purchase a few days later !


        RSOC Member - 6960


        • #5
          Arron mine came from Gates Ford


          • #6
            Was (or is) that anywhere near Twickenham ?

            That's where this branch of Currie Motors was.

            RSOC Member - 6960


            • #7
              What was going to be a few small spots of rust have given way to a full respray. Although the rust was not that bad, my friend insisted that to do the car justice we should spray the whole lot.

              If anyone wants really good bodywork carried out by a meticulous and consumate professional in the SE of England, let me know and I'll put you in touch with him.

              Can't wait to get her home now and start tinkering......

              RSOC Member - 6960


              • #8
                hey Arron, Looking forward to a few runs out with you when you get her back on the road mate :grin: seeing as we live so close to each other...
                it was a bit of luck for me you didn't like the beige :grin: .. tell you what, its really grown on me, not alot of them about either... is that good or bad :???: .Let me know when you have got her back, i will pop over for a good look then :-) :-) cheers Dave
                \"more leeks than a welsh farmers field\"


                • #9

                  I've had the car back a few weeks now, it's already in bits in the garage !

                  I'm going to spend the winter detailing the engine bay as I did with your car. Be good to see you and the car again, I'm around most of the time and you're always welcome to come down.

                  Definitely going to get out to a few events next year when the car is back on the road so we'll have to have a meet up.

                  Were you planning to go to Donnington on 30th November ? I'm going to go as there are a few bits I need for my car - tag along if you like.

                  Did you get the odds and sods on the beige car sorted out ? Has it been rolling road tuned yet ? Glad you still like it !



                  RSOC Member - 6960

