Has any body else done this. I did my right one playing rugby on Saturday sh1t its pain full. One good thing though I can not hear the wife when shes on my right hand side. I would rather not have it though
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Perfarated ear drum
Get yourself an appointment booked at Grays Inn Rd, Royal National ERT Hospital. I had to go there for a few years as a little kid as I had a rank infection called Glue ear and it perforated my ear drum. It repaired itself in the end but I'm down a bit on that ear now....I missed out as the lovely nurses used to hold my hand and put me on there lap and give me cuddles. I would hate for someone else to miss out on that opportunity like I did
The only real time I've suffered, was when I was doing my offshore survival training and got a lot more deaf in the bad ear for a while. I had to go out to a platform and try to understand the different Scots accents with one earWorse was they had both ears and could not understand me
Not nice Andy, I would watch that for infection.
Know what its like, I suffer from ear infections & earache all my life. Like GJ I'm now down in power in one!
Probably damaged as a kid when we didnt go to doctors but used cotton buds etc to try to clear them