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MKII Rallye Sport Escorts BB - Poll
The point I am trying to make is mainly this :-
People are joining the RS MKII Escort Club assuming their subscription is going to get them certain entitlements.
Namely a Bi-monthly Magazine (reduced to Quarterly now !)
Magazine is the responsibility of Phil Tear.
No membership fees are used for the Website or BB (non-required !)
BUT I am fed up of PAID-UP members complaining (quite rightly) to me via PM's or phone calls that they have sent monies and receiving NOTHING.
Hence I have "moved" the BB to ensure people have to contact Phil direct to complain as he has the money NOT me !
the X.R owners club have had a similar problem
the last owner ran of with all the benefits , money and insurance deals
he failed to deliver the goods , no mags or merchandise
it is now under new ownership ( the club )
and i believe the XRbb (not club involved )
does not recieve any funding from the coffers ... ??
if it wernt for the BB i probably wouldnt be a member
........ MAD or what
Dave, you know my position on the Dark side
its upto you what you do with YOUR BBS.
Pay a Sub to use the Main BBS... Very PF
Members only clubs access ... AVO
Free for all ... RSOC, Turbosport rs2000-16v etc......
Unless the club wants to takes full ownership and running & development costs of the website.
Personally, I would never pay directly for BBS use. I'm here because the people I know and respect there views reside here. (shame you dont use the RSOC site)
Tricky one this………
Websites cost money to operate, either on a personal level or for a company.
Whilst I have only been here a short time, Dave’s site is certainly (IMO) the best for the MK II RS, such that I only briefly look at the others out there, all an individual needs is all on this site. Long may it continue!!
If in the future the privilege of being a member of the site involves a subscription to cover the costs, then I’d cough up (I’m a paid up member of the RSOC & MK II RS club).
I have seen many great sites go down the pan over the years as their owners were unable to keep up with the spiralling costs.
Some go the route of sponsorship, not always a positive move for the site, however if it keeps a site alive……..
Perhaps if a subscription is needed, then there could be some ‘benefits’ i.e full access to the site for paid up members, and restricted access to non paying members; perhaps access to technical plans, How to’s, parts section etc.
Ok ‘colours to the wall’ I voted for option 1
Andrew TRS MK II Member No. 351
RSOC Member No. 40178
unless its costing you money i think u should leave it be..... there is not much rif raf at all on this site compared to others & yes this is the best site for the mk2 escorts. turbosport is an excellent site with alot of very friendly people & deals with mainly old skool which is cool & ive never had a problem with anyone on it, nor have i on this site. its all the usual suspects on the site that make it good to keep coming back
I voted 2.
On another BB that I use, anyone can use the BB and post messages etc. BUT.....
if you pay a subscription (not much - about £5 a year) then you get a siggie pic possibility, your status as a paid up member displayed, a forum just for paid ups etc.
Non paid up users have one major disadvantage - they cannot see the pics that are posted!
If it carries on subscription-free that is the best, of course. I just wanted to indicate that I WOULD be prepared to pay if it's necessary to keep our community going.