Perfect fit - identical to original factory fitted unit
These are NOT a perfect fit or identical to the original, at least the ones we got this side of the world aren't.
The surface finish is ok but the steel strengthening plate is not strong enough and the rubber is too soft not letting the leading edge and sides sit tight to the boot & quarters. The only way you
We have tried 3 of these and are all the same. My 33 year old original fits perfect with no gaps as does 2 original new Ford ones.
Like Jason I'm stuck with one that I couldn't return to Burtons.
Sent 2 back but I had used some double sided tape to keep the leading edge down (which worked btw) but lightly damaged the under surface removing it.
Better to keep my name clean rather than wrap it up & return.
Sorry meant to add in last post was that the only way you could successfully use one would be to double sided tape or stick it down.