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  • #31
    sounds like we will pay for a huge funeral and party for her hangers on

    Back with a MK1


    • #32
      Originally posted by RatHead View Post
      Today the unions don't have the power they once had. That is not because Thatcher beat the unions, more because she crippled the powerful industries behind them. Today the unions couldn't bring the country to its knees, it is not because the unions are under control it is because there is no significant industry for them to represent. That in my view is not progress, it is the pure spite of an abhorent individual.
      The country simply couldn't carry on the way it was at the end of the seventies, it is as simple as that. If you consider that bringing the country to a standstill, i.e. holding it and the government to ransom, is a "good thing" I rather suspect your perspective isn't particularly realistic.

      Most of the industries that went to the wall were costing the country an arm and a leg to subsidise, which can only work until the money runs out and would be illegal under EU competition rules these days anyway.

      As far as heavy industry and manufacturing is concerned, much of the jobs that went to eastern europe for a brief time now go straight to China, so a lot of industries were going to bleed jobs anyway, even Germany barely has a shipyard left, certainly not any that don't need government subsidy.

      The days of mass manufacture in europe are numbered, only it seems countries like Germany has the right mixture of subsidy, innovation and productivity to stay ahead of the pack, i.e. Brazil, China, India etc.


      • #33
        If so many people hated the woman,how & why did she win 3 General elections


        • #34
          Originally posted by RETRO View Post
          If so many people hated the woman,how & why did she win 3 General elections
          who knows she left Scotland Tory free


          • #35
            The Iron Lady...... Let her Rust in Peace!


            • #36
              Originally posted by JamesJ View Post
              The Iron Lady...... Let her Rust in Peace!
              There will be no peace where she has gone to


              • #37
                Originally posted by RatHead View Post
                Today the unions don't have the power they once had. That is not because Thatcher beat the unions, more because she crippled the powerful industries behind them. Today the unions couldn't bring the country to its knees, it is not because the unions are under control it is because there is no significant industry for them to represent. That in my view is not progress, it is the pure spite of an abhorent individual.
                Good, the unions were not the answer anyway... Ran by arrogant fat cats who thought striking and starving families by standing together was the answer.. Fact is once skargill and his mates had finished nearly all the pits were flooded making them unviable as a propersition..


                • #38
                  I believe Harold Wilson & Jim Callaghan closed more mines than Thatcher


                  • #39

                    Maggie was our GREATEST prime minister

                    She sorted the Unions who were tryingto run the country led my the loony labour

                    She sorted the Argues

                    If she was about today the immigration would not be a problem

                    All the layabouts wouldnt get away with it

                    There is TWO PEOPLE that runined our country and that is BLAIR and BROWN and it will NEVER recover!!!!!!!


                    • #40


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by SRS Motorsport Models View Post

                        Maggie was our GREATEST prime minister

                        She sorted the Unions who were tryingto run the country led my the loony labour

                        She sorted the Argues

                        If she was about today the immigration would not be a problem

                        All the layabouts wouldnt get away with it

                        There is TWO PEOPLE that runined our country and that is BLAIR and BROWN and it will NEVER recover!!!!!!!
                        In YOUR opinion!

                        LMAO @ Blair and Brown ruined the country! It's a worldwide recession. Blairs main problem was he was a Thatcherite.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by SRS Motorsport Models View Post

                          Maggie was our GREATEST prime minister

                          She sorted the Unions who were tryingto run the country led my the loony labour

                          She sorted the Argues

                          If she was about today the immigration would not be a problem

                          All the layabouts wouldnt get away with it

                          There is TWO PEOPLE that runined our country and that is BLAIR and BROWN and it will NEVER recover!!!!!!!
                          I do agree so far in my lifetime any way


                          • #43
                            Thatcher (love her, or hate her) was a brutal, but much needed Revolutionary. .! Scargill et al (as an example), would of had you all under the 'Iron Fist of Communism' if he had, had his way (Soviet funded as I recall along with Red Robbo etc). The country needed a titanium willed individual to institute the necessary social and economic antidotes; without which the human cost would have been much greater. . .


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Duratec John View Post
                              Hear,Hear Rule Britannia


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by RETRO View Post
                                Hear,Hear Rule Britannia
                                not for much longer hopefully

