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  • Thatcher

    The Woman was a ****ing Disgrace

    4 million unemployed
    15% inflation
    Record house repossessions
    Record business closures
    Record bankruptcies
    Poll Tax
    Miners strike,closure of pits and now importing coal at exhorbitant prices
    Selling off of nationalised industry (railway, steel, gas, electric, water - and look how much they cost now)
    Breaking the unions - the working class now have no voice in their workplace and either accept their lot or lose their job
    2 recessions in her tenure
    Falklands war
    Norman Tebbit's comment to the 4 million out of work to "get on your bikes and look for work"

  • #2
    Yep. She single handedly destroyed British Industry just to massage her Ego
    Autumn Has Arrived by Kevin Frost, on Flickr

    CHES'S UNDERSTUDY...........


    • #3
      Destroyed British manufacturing and the unions because she hated the working man.


      • #4
        In 1979 , the higher rate of income tax was ....

        ... a blistering 83%

        Here in Germany the country's constitutional court has ruled that income tax at a rate above 50% is unconstitutional.
        The woman did a lot of really bad things but I suggest people remind themselves that the UK was the sick man of europe, we had to borrow money off the IMF in the 70s just to not have to default on loans, just like Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Italy and Spain have had to recently.
        If Labour had've been elected in 1979, there'd be no UK left...


        • #5
          fank feek shes deed as am from a mining background family,ma father always said he had a bottle o whisky put aside for the day she died and needless to say the cork got flung away once opened this afternoon

          just wished she had suffered a long illness but a bit o luck she will rot in hell

          spinless bitch


          • #6
            Originally posted by mexico_jim View Post
            fank feek shes deed as am from a mining background family,ma father always said he had a bottle o whisky put aside for the day she died and needless to say the cork got flung away once opened this afternoon

            just wished she had suffered a long illness but a bit o luck she will rot in hell

            spinless bitch
            Now that ain't true, she stood up to anybody and everybody, she certainly had a lot more balls than most of the rest of the political class before or since.

            She did have a couple of longstanding illnesses as it happens.

            I hated her at the time but I don't want to imagine how far the UK would've fallen had Labour got into power in 1979...


            • #7
              listen mate,i experienced the bad times o the miners strike and she brung loads of unemployment around the area a live

              hated the feeker and as said before glad shes gone



              • #8
                Originally posted by rwdrs View Post
                Now that ain't true, she stood up to anybody and everybody, she certainly had a lot more balls than most of the rest of the political class before or since.

                She did have a couple of longstanding illnesses as it happens.

                I hated her at the time but I don't want to imagine how far the UK would've fallen had Labour got into power in 1979...
                I agree.

                It would appear that Ed Miliband does to a point as well

                In 2011, Labour leader Ed Miliband praised some of Thatcher's key policies, stating: "Some of what happened in the 1980s was right. It was right to let people buy their council houses. It was right to cut tax rates of 60, 70, 80 per cent. And it was right to change the rules on the closed shop, on strikes before ballots. These changes were right, and we were wrong to oppose it at the time."

                Said as part of a speech at the 2011 Labour Party Conference


                • #9
                  drove Into the centre of Glasgow and its mental looks like the old bat is going to be missed.the ding dong the wicked witch is dead party in George square is in full swing


                  • #10
                    Maggie the milk pincher, she made the poor very poor and the rich very rich. Just like the lot that are in now, nothing changes


                    • #11
                      Big debate on good old Passionford about it. Personally for me it was top news yesterday!


                      • #12
                        I would back her decision to defend the falklands, you can't just roll over when others want to take what is not theirs
                        Ex-Chairman of 'The Clique'


                        • #13
                          Like all MP's, marmite politicians, you either hate em or love em.

                          I always remember the Spitting Image sketch, she's sitting around a restaurant table with her cabinet and the waitress ask's Maggie what she wanted. "I'll have the beef", "and the vegetables madam?" asked the waitress. "Oh they'll have what I'm having"..............


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by flyingpilot View Post
                            Like all MP's, marmite politicians, you either hate em or love em.

                            I always remember the Spitting Image sketch, she's sitting around a restaurant table with her cabinet and the waitress ask's Maggie what she wanted. "I'll have the beef", "and the vegetables madam?" asked the waitress. "Oh they'll have what I'm having"..............

                            go to 2.0 minutes in..................



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by graham John View Post

                              go to 2.0 minutes in..................

                              Happy memories of that show. Pure brilliance
                              Autumn Has Arrived by Kevin Frost, on Flickr

                              CHES'S UNDERSTUDY...........

