Hey frostie,it was a good job you didn't have your pink nighty on!!!mark would off had a heart attack!!!!!!Just imagine of what he would off seen!!!!!...
Hey frostie,it was a good job you didn't have your pink nighty on!!!mark would off had a heart attack!!!!!!Just imagine of what he would off seen!!!!!...
He would have seen some delights I can assure you.
spent the last 3 days walking around Nec legs still sore
good selection of cars nice too see the excellent turn out of cars especially the mini's
And would like to give Frosty a big Thank You for all the help on sunday morning and for taking the time for a chat nice to see scratch polished out thanks Kev And to all the usual members from here that I bump into at the show
sigpicCherish the past, adorn the present,& create for the future.