Going back nearly four years ago when I was knocked off my motorbike, not only did I suffer a broken collar bone but I also had frozen shoulder, basically the lining of the joint swelled and restricted the movement. I had a huge needle stuck in my shoulder to inject the cortisone, funny thing is my missus was in the cubicle at the time and stood up, proclaimed it "looks f*****g brutal" and promptly fainted LOL
The doctor and male nurse had to divert their attention from me and go pick her up the dozy bird
its sore at the begining but it settles down and does make a difference for a while but it depends what you work as I'm a brickie and only lasts a while but now have got a thing called polymyalgia rheumatica in both shoulders down both arms elbows into my hand now i can tell you thats bloody sore but getting treatment with steroids which seems to be calming it down slightly at its worst i was taking 6 to 8 ibruprufen tablets at a time ( i know i shouldnt have but it was so sore had no choice and the doc couldnt find anything wrong at first)its still keeping me awake at night but its getting better but can take up to 3 years to go away .should really take time of but in construction no show no pay and cannt afford to stay at home it will go in its own time no doubt
What a night........................... Couldn't sleep as the damn thing throbbed like a throbby thing. This morning I can't even grip anything. Dis-chuffed
What a night........................... Couldn't sleep as the damn thing throbbed like a throbby thing. This morning I can't even grip anything. Dis-chuffed
are you still on about your elbow or have I missed something?
I've had them in my lower back. Supposed to last three months.
Like fu.....ck they do, more like three days.
It's a great sensation, they stick the needle in, then inject five different locations in the back without pulling the needle out the skin.
The relief was almost instant but as I said, didn't last nowhere near as long as they said it would.
The worst part was watching him do it, Wobble it around in different places as Mark says without taking in out. Horrible when you feel it scrape against the bone
Had it yesterday afternoon. Damn thing hurts more than ever today