I am meeting malcolm,laurie,alex wallace,john mellon and a few others in bairds bar on saturday,then on to bar 67,foggy dew,squirell bar,emerald isle,and hopefully some make it to brazen head, mcCuills,and oniells.anyone else up for it
No not me ! Going out in Shettleston Friday night ! Hope I don't Get My heed kicked in !Then having a Fish supper !!!
shettleson is pretty rough its also been cordoned off all morning news says a police incident and avoid if possible.hopefully you are out with someone who knows the area can be a bad place
shettleson is pretty rough its also been cordoned off all morning news says a police incident and avoid if possible.hopefully you are out with someone who knows the area can be a bad place
i was born in shettleston oppositte the train station at budhill