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Apple mac advice ?

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  • Apple mac advice ?

    Hi all,
    My oldest lad is after a mac book There something that I've never had owt to do with !But there's no way he's getting a new one at a £1k Been looking at eBay ones around £500 and took some advice from a few local company's and it looks like the older ones are best avoided due to not working flash player etc, So what's his best option then a Air or a Pro? and is no older than 3 years about right? And yes I know Apple mac is a bit of a label status thing but when your 14 years old I guess that's what it's all about He would use it for a bit of everything not just games,Think I might be asking too much for around the £500 mark ??? and lastly are they any good and why are they so much more than a normal pc ? I just don't get it
    Cheers paul

  • #2
    I thought they were only any good if you were into publishing, editing etc other than that they are a pain ?? They aren't supposed to be susceptable to viruses but a Girly mate has them and it's always sending random spam out from her email account LOL

    Buy him an iPad instead


    • #3
      Originally posted by lee bishop View Post
      I thought they were only any good if you were into publishing, editing etc other than that they are a pain ?? They aren't supposed to be susceptable to viruses but a Girly mate has them and it's always sending random spam out from her email account LOL

      Buy him an iPad instead
      Yep ive been told they don't Get viruses either , Think one of the main reasons he wants one is they use them at school.We have a old IPad and kids have ipods and now iPhones so I guess I should have seen this coming


      • #4
        I ask this question to a few IT buddy's, firstly if you have an iphone/pad etc you can link them all up apparantly.
        As mentioned less liable to virus's, more media applications ie editing (imovie) etc.

        But like you I questioned the double a PC price tag, but was still told I wouldn't look at a PC again after going to an Apple. Still un-decided though and not convinced.


        • #5
          I do like the idea of everything syncing with each other But I do think it's a bit of the Apple world domination plan I still can't get my head round the price of them either paying £500 ish for a s/h 3year old laptop ??? If anyone's knows of one coming up for sale or could recommend a place that sells refurbished ones that would be great ive looked on the net but it's a bit of a minefield
          Cheers Paul's


          • #6
            As good as syncing is, someone pointed out the flaws to me. I personally don't use i cloud anyhow.


            • #7
              You can try this link which is a discounted price for OU students but I've bought a few machines from there and they never checked

              Receive a discount on a new Mac or iPad for your studies with Apple Education Savings. Available for students, teachers and staff.

              Or this is a link to refurbed machines that come with full 12 months warranty.

              Save up to 15% on a refurbished Mac. Tested and certified by Apple including a 1-year warranty. Free delivery and returns.

              Thing is with Apple they're a premium build quality, all aluminium chassis etc.. so it's hard to compare to the £350 plastic machines they sell in Tesco. Compare them to high end Sony, Lenovo, and HP laptops and they're not that expensive.

              They're also good for everything, Microsoft make Office for the Mac etc.. and it's years since they were just good for graphics.

              You're lad is young and he'll have done his homework and know why he wants a Mac.


              • #8
                One other thing, when it comes to Apple, eBay is full of thieving tw*ts so if it looks too good to be true it usually is.

                Also, it cuts both ways, Apple laptops hold their value really well so you might pay £730 for a new 11" MacBook Air but it'll be worth £550 in two years time if it's been looked after.


                • #9
                  Thanks very much for that warby cast your eye on here

                  Anyone had owt to do with apple care ? Is it worth the paper it's written on ??
                  Cheers paul


                  • #10
                    Mac Warranties are very good as long as they have not been messed about with. In fact Macs are pretty good and they showed MS that a operating system should just 'work' for the layman computer user.

                    The end of the day Apple users are like Jehovah's Witness...really lovely people but I wonder how easy brainwashed they were

                    Discaimer:- I have friends who are Mac users and some who are Jehovah's Witness.


                    • #11
                      It's pretty old that now Paul but look at the price it's going for and you'll see what I mean about holding their value. I wouldn't touch it, you need to be looking for something with a i5 processor and minimum of 4GB ram. Which machine is your lad after?

                      If you buy through the Apple OU link sent you, the machine will come with a free Apple 3 year warranty (they usually come with 12 months).


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Warby View Post
                        It's pretty old that now Paul but look at the price it's going for and you'll see what I mean about holding their value. I wouldn't touch it, you need to be looking for something with a i5 processor and minimum of 4GB ram. Which machine is your lad after?

                        If you buy through the Apple OU link sent you, the machine will come with a free Apple 3 year warranty (they usually come with 12 months).
                        To be right honest mate I dont think he knows what he wants either. Im glad I posted the link to that one tho cos I thought it might be the one? Im going to stick to cars


                        • #13
                          Walking past local game shop the other day and what's sat right in pole position in the window !!!!! Goes in its a mac book pro 13.3 it's less than a year old,boxed and as new £750 so bought it there and then . Can't believe I spent a month looking at shite on eBay even went to Apple store to look at refurbed ones and Ended up getting one less than a mile from home Thanks for advice paul

