Whilst we may agree the kitchen of the house is the domain of she who must be obeyed, we all like to help out. So, you load up your dishwasher and which product would you 'ahem' pour into the slot normally taken up by a tablet?
Exhibit A.
Exhibit B.

I will help, one of them will leave your kitchen full of foam, reminiscent of a foam party from the 80's in Ibiza. The other will leave your glasses sparkly clean.
Who knows, you decide?
Whilst we may agree the kitchen of the house is the domain of she who must be obeyed, we all like to help out. So, you load up your dishwasher and which product would you 'ahem' pour into the slot normally taken up by a tablet?
Exhibit A.

Exhibit B.

I will help, one of them will leave your kitchen full of foam, reminiscent of a foam party from the 80's in Ibiza. The other will leave your glasses sparkly clean.
Who knows, you decide?