you are right ian 110%....
No announcement yet.
i have decided not to gp4 the mexico!!!!
sorry but i think the above comments are out of order, peoples ideas about pauls grp4 conversion have nothing to do about jealousy, we are all adults here not school kids who get the hump cause so and so's got the latest trainers etc.
Surely its just a personel choice, but saying that i thought that most people preferred him to grp4 the mex than the gl ( i know i did)
so come on peeps, lets take a chill pill and get back to enjoying this forum for what it is instead of driving a wedge between us all - sure a forum is about sharing ideas etc and adult discussion but some times its easy to sit behind a key board and throw acusations about etc - i have been guilty of this in the past on other forums but when we sit back and think about what we have typed the next day we usually realise we said something that maybe we shouldnt have done.
So the balls in your court paul if you want tp grp4 the mex do it m8 and enjoy it
i will stick to what i have said i think it is best thing
as for me having the hump ...iam cool no probs here i don't like fallouts and never will...
one thing you said that i don't like was...when i got the gl you said
Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 5:02 pm Post subject:
do the honarable thing paul and let brian have it
then you said
y dont you just mod the mex and leave the 1.3 alone ?
and you know full well that brian wanted to do a part gp4 car
so is ok for brian to do it and not me....?
if you was only joking then its ok and we will say no more
but there is a bit of 2 face going on there....?
like i say i now think its best not to do the mex or the gl but i canot stop the buyer of the gl from doing a gp4 conversion
thats its boys ......iam cool and no probs....cheeRS
paul it wasnt till i saw it that i realised what it was like, if it was an old shitter than fair enough, imoa it is best left alone
i've just come on here and defended you with the mex and you bring up that, so you didnt read my above reply properly.
think we best leave this thread alone as i can see it turning into a slanging match