Guys I've just got off the phone from Tim sawyer who has asked me to pass the message on that the AVO OWNERS CLUB national day has been cancelled due to a soggy field apparently they have tried to set up but everything is sinking !!
This is not a wind up, the field at Hatton is totally unusable due to all the rain - which is still falling, so the difficult decision to cancel has been made.
We hope to get a date later in the year.
Can you please let everyone you know about this as we want as few people as possible to make a trip for nothing.
Apologies to for inconvenience caused but we can't do much about the weather and it's stuffed us this year.
Damm and blast,,,,,,just arrived at our hotel,,,,,,,,not a happy chappy
Its a good call, the weather in the midlands is rain and more rain, nobody with the right mind is going to bring there pride and joy out in this, needs to be in August, Fathers day always poor date causes problems with familys, AVO team good decision,
We were damned whatever we decided. We realised that people had set off already but the field is just too bad and better to decide that it would be a flop and pull it while the majority of people are still at home and able to notify them.
If it were in our power to sort the weather we certainly would have and while June may not seem ideal, we have had some really lovely days in the past 30 years, a lot more good ones than bad. I can't remember if we've had to call one off before but the weather conditions we've had lately are freaky to say the least.
Keep faith, we will do our best to pull another day together and hopefully then normal service will be resumed.
I've been having the conversation about the clash with fathers day only recently and it is a valid point, one that may require further investigation. I know the club has witnessed a downturn in numbers of late, and I'm sure it's not helped with the conflict in dates. One for the committee me thinks