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The MSA and straight cut gearboxes!!

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  • The MSA and straight cut gearboxes!!

    You've got to love em.

    The latest idea from the MSA on road rallying:-

    "Engines and Transmissions
    R18.3.4. Except where original equipment straight cut gears in the transmission are prohibited"

    Only a proposal for now but they are talking of making it law by next year.

    Remember clubman level motorsport.....I'm struggling too.....

    Lets beat up the grass roots man whilst he's down eh?

    I understand in the long run it will bring it back to people using production cars but where does that leave the people who have built these cars over a number of years and evolved with the consistant rule changes.

    It wont affect my Escort but it does my Mini.

    I'd like the MSA to tell me where I can buy a new 3 sync Cooper S standard gearset from??? Answers on a post card please....and don't say NOS on Ebay.

    If you complain, it may get revised, but I doubt it.

    Bit like the recent black bonnet saga!!

  • #2
    I'm not involved with road rallying nowadays but I was championship co-ordinator and steward in the North of England for many years. The biggest issue with s/c gearboxes on road rallies is the noise they produce, even in low powered cars you can hear them for miles and the trouble is, it's not noticable at a standard noise test.

    Now the MSA have always tried to keep the locals happy where road rallying is concerned and it's never been easy because all you need is one or two awkward residents and the route has to be moved, which isn't always easy. So the easiest way is to try and keep road rallying as low key as possible. First it was appearence and now I guess it's drive by noise, cos if the residents don't hear you, they won't complain... Too much anyway!

    It may be clubman level motorsport but it's run in peoples back yards and it's a shame to potentially lose it all together for the sake of a few with s/c boxes - I'm afraid I'm with the MSA on this one.


    • #3
      I can undersatnd why they want to do it, it's just the manner they have gone about it to be honest.

      It's being proposed now, for start next year.

      A years grace would be a nice thing. At least people could get ready for it.

      I have my engine/box out of the car at least once a year and I can rebuild it.


      • #4
        I'm all for this ban for night events but let's have an exemption for daylight Historics only.

        Don't whinge about it on here, lobby the MSA and your Regional Association and your own club.


        • #5
          I've done that already and I'm not so much whinging, just making people aware of it so that they also can lobby.

          Your right, moaning and actually saying nothing to them will get us all no further.


          • #6
            what are the regs for these new targa events the msa are bringing in


            • #7
              Here are the regs for consultation, not only gearboxes but engines too. Cheap 2.5 Millingtons anyone??


              • #8
                Exhaust noise is being clamped down on too.


                • #9
                  The exhaust noise is not really clamped down on, I don't theink the levels will change but a 2M test takes in the induction noise too. As previously stated, it's all about maintaining roads for rallying on, I'm all for the changes and tbh, I'd love to know on what grounds you would lobby them not to impliment the new regs.

                  I think the solution to your problem Richard, is to get an Escort registered before 1st Jan 1968 They are out there!


                  • #10
                    Disagree Smudger,like you probably have I've marshalled on loads of road rallies,induction and exhaust can be heard and hardly s/c gears imo.

                    I've made my thoughts clear on British rally forum,although my bro logs in as me aswell.
                    Matt aka matt. r.s
                    Proper rallying is done down the lanes!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Tim View Post
                      what are the regs for these new targa events the msa are bringing in
                      Tim,think you can use S/C boxes on these so all is not lost.
                      If it's the same format(apart from a night section)as the Endurance road rally champ it should be good.Farmland,airfields,woodland/forest etc.
                      Proper rallying is done down the lanes!

