Me and Kev Cannon took a ride over to see Kev Frost last night to present him with the trophys he won at this year Lakes tour.
To say he was choked is an understatement. I have taken a few pictures to mark the occassion.

There were nearly a few tears when he saw this. A very special present which I know he was very very speachless to receive!!

Also the essex tossers had a little something for him

It was good to catch up and I'm sure we cheered him up!
I'm sure he'll be along shortly to add his comments.
To say he was choked is an understatement. I have taken a few pictures to mark the occassion.

There were nearly a few tears when he saw this. A very special present which I know he was very very speachless to receive!!

Also the essex tossers had a little something for him

It was good to catch up and I'm sure we cheered him up!
I'm sure he'll be along shortly to add his comments.
