Hi Guys,
My passenger has dropped out at last minutes notice, so I have a paid seat up for grabs if anyone wants one in my Mex.
Open to offers, but if you can cover the passenger price & throw a bit of beer money for fuel, you are most welcome.
The only issue is you will have to get yourself to the Heaves Hotel & we can go from there. Long story short, we were staying with said passenger in Kendal, my misses was travelling over, stopping at his & he was doing the Tour whilst said misses stayed at his house with his misses, so I cant pick anyone up enroute
Cheers guys, Shane, (York)
My passenger has dropped out at last minutes notice, so I have a paid seat up for grabs if anyone wants one in my Mex.
Open to offers, but if you can cover the passenger price & throw a bit of beer money for fuel, you are most welcome.
The only issue is you will have to get yourself to the Heaves Hotel & we can go from there. Long story short, we were staying with said passenger in Kendal, my misses was travelling over, stopping at his & he was doing the Tour whilst said misses stayed at his house with his misses, so I cant pick anyone up enroute
Cheers guys, Shane, (York)