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Go Pro cameras

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  • Go Pro cameras

    Being a complete IT techno phobe, has anyone got one of these?

    Can you also take single shots as per a regular camera or are the video only?

    They are supposed to be water proof down to 60M, that would be ideal for diving too.

    And I can use it on track days.

  • #2
    They ain't gravel proof, so be careful


    • #3
      oh, well there is the inner wheel arch shot out of the window!


      • #4
        no good for frosty then

        Nutty Professor


        • #5
          I've got one....awesome.

          I use it on my formual ford and will also use it on my touring car next time it goes out.

          Very simple to use.

          Can't remember whether it takes single still shots or not.
          Life is Racing......
          everything else is just waiting

          ...or buftying.


          • #6
            I have the early model gopro and it does single shots so I would expect the new HD ones to do the same.


            • #7
              I have a Gopro HD and use it on our jetski, not sure about how waterproof it would be in depth, but we give it dam good soaking and abuse and it has never leaked. It also takes progessive shots timed to suit, 5 sec, 10sec and so on. The number of add ons is impressive too, my son even sticks it on his RC plane.
              Alot of people use them now even in the film industry so they are well proven. Ken blocks last "drama" he used numerous ones all around his Fiesta.


              • #8
                Would that last drama be the clipping of the first curb in the recent Mexico event!!??

                These sound great and at that price, bit of a bargin too.

                Looks like I'll be getting one then.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by mk1rally View Post

                  They are supposed to be water proof down to 60M, that would be ideal for DRIVING too.

                  Not planning to have any watery offs are you david?lol


                  • #10
                    the red dot on the roof here is a go pro camera facing backwards


                    • #11
                      Any further info on these? I appear to be about to buy a hero3


                      • #12
                        I used my HD for about a year on my mountainbike, top bit of kit, you can get lots of different fixing brackets to suit most needs. I don't think mine would take a single shot like a camera would but a burst of shots like on a phone. gOt mine from dogcam and at the time they was giving away a media player with it so you could put the SD card in and watch it as soon as we came home without downloading and you could also edit on it. I have a few vids on YouTube of us and a whole library of crashes, unfortunately 90% were of me.


                        • #13
                          I used my go pro for diving. We went till 54 m with it, without a problem. Very nice quality and easy to use. Would recommend it for all kind of sports.


                          • #14
                            Prices have started to come down a bit. Even currys now do a black edition for £300 but ive seen online for £240. Wanna get a good deal.

