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Noisy neighbours

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  • Noisy neighbours

    For the last 6 months or so we've had a new neighbour who has been kicked out of 11 counsil properties in the last 7 years. She is a single parent non working benefit claiming alcoholic in her 50's(to paint a picture) and because there are no more counsil properties to put her in,they dump her in next to us!
    Now. Most nights she gets p i ss ed out of her head(we know this as every morning/afternoon when she rises, she puts a 2lt bottle of wine in the recycling bin!)then every night her dog which is either in the back yard or in the kitchen starts barking for hours on end.
    Then if you try to confront her about it she either won't talk to us or denys the dog was barking
    I get up for work at 6am and am losing sleep.

    The council and local community police think its trivial and won't do anything about it

    Whats next? Who can we go to now? Without taking things into our own hands

  • #2
    Keep a log of everything.....times and duration of barking / shouting / music etc etc

    The council have an obligation to do something about it so don't take no for an answer.......take a look at the government links below :

    Disputes with neighbours - noisy neighbours, barking dogs, statutory nuisances, high hedges, mediation and when your council can step in

    How local councils work in England - types of council, decision-making, council finances, local councillors and making complaints

    My cars in the VbGarage


    • #3
      failing that a baseball bat


      • #4
        Originally posted by Aled View Post
        Keep a log of everything.....times and duration of barking / shouting / music etc etc

        The council have an obligation to do something about it so don't take no for an answer.......take a look at the government links below :

        Disputes with neighbours - noisy neighbours, barking dogs, statutory nuisances, high hedges, mediation and when your council can step in

        Been down the route of your first link aled!
        We have kept a log of everything,but they just say and quote"if we had to move her again she'd have to go into a community shelter and the child in care. So can't you try to make friends with her?"


        • #5
          get revving the car mike when shes gone to sleep as for the dog throw a pit bull over the fence


          • #6
            Originally posted by Mikethepanel View Post
            Been down the route of your first link aled!
            We have kept a log of everything,but they just say and quote"if we had to move her again she'd have to go into a community shelter and the child in care. So can't you try to make friends with her?"
            That's tough luck for her and the council as it has now become your problem and they have a duty towards your well being as well.

            My cars in the VbGarage


            • #7
              easy, leave the gate open ........................ as for the dog, dont' know what to say about her !!!!!!!!


              • #8
                " new neighbour who has been kicked out of 11 counsil properties in the last 7 years. "

                surely that is contributing evidence in itself



                • #9
                  ..............still, at least she is thinking of the planet and environment

                  "she puts a 2lt bottle of wine in the recycling bin!"



                  • #10
                    get a solicitor to write a letter to her on headed paper, it looks better, warning her of the possible outcome to her if she carrys on.state that you dont wish to fall out etc etc. failing that when the cars back up and running, keep on tuning it outside her house


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Mikethepanel View Post
                      she puts a 2lt bottle of wine in the recycling bin!)
                      watch what you are posting as the council might evict you as she has only had 11 houses in 7 years and is an alchopop as it might be an offence for you to look in her re-cycle bin


                      • #12
                        I've been in a similar situation mike, tried lots of routes but nobody wanted to know.

                        What I did find out was doing things by the book got me know where, I had to bend some rules!

                        It's not easy to deal with and I have to say my neighbours pushed me to the edge, don't let things get that far for you mike.

                        Best of luck!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by grum View Post
                          easy, leave the gate open ........................ as for the dog, dont' know what to say about her !!!!!!!!
                          If it ever escapes it might be a new grill orniment on my passat


                          • #14

                            As said on here ,i also had neighbours,who were plain awkward towards me .I moved form a big house in the country to another of my houses,which is still detached,but on a private estate,but they objected to my planning application on really stupid grounds.I still got permisson,then it was my time to get back at 4 of the 7 familys that objected.AND i won in all cases,the most akward guy was banging,grinding,drilling trying to rebuild a MGB ,all outside.So i got a noise abatement order out on him,recording all the times,how long it went on for,and got him stopped.He now as a half rebuilt MGB ,in his garage,and its over 7 years since i got him stopped.So if anybody wants a half rebuilt MGB ,I know where there is one !!!!!
                            Best of LUCK with it,but you can prove before this new tenant moved next door,it was a peaceful ,quiet street to live in


                            • #15
                              Thanks guys!

                              There are other things aswell like there is a play park over the road and because she started shouting at a boy who was playing on the park she has a restraining order not to go on the park or near the other children but she still was doing for weeks after
                              We told the community police but nothing happened

