At belle vue Simon, Dave Pemberton was retiring after 40 years and the led him out and on a parade lap..
I'll find the names out of who's they were..
Both the final and grand finals were some of the best racing I've ever seen..
Nice one!
Hefty is the new slim!
Bald is the new bushy!
Cheese is the new no cheese guarenteed!
Muddy is defo the new shineeeey! (Copyright Grum 07)
Red Escorts are now Capris, thanks midlands Plod!
48's are the new bike carbs !
Hmmmmmm,not sure Louie????? It's been years sine I've seen the original ones,I think they where rear wheel drive,I'm always looking on eBay for a new unused original one,but not really seen them,I seen one last year that went for £570A bit too much for me,has anyone got any pictures off a orginal one or even got one,I always used to remember the evil looking face of the driver,one day I will get another one
Hmmmmmm,not sure Louie????? It's been years sine I've seen the original ones,I think they where rear wheel drive,I'm always looking on eBay for a new unused original one,but not really seen them,I seen one last year that went for £570A bit too much for me,has anyone got any pictures off a orginal one or even got one,I always used to remember the evil looking face of the driver,one day I will get another one
I've got a brochure somewhere I think, will dig it out
I had the Willys wheeler!! Based on the Honda City. They were both 2 wheel drive BTW.
I saved up for my first Grasshopper and it ended up a Hornet after all the upgrades. I also had a sand scorcher too...wish I still had it.
I went for the manta as it's 4 wheel drive, still got it and still mint..
Also got a midnight pumpkin which is a rereleased version, but have got an original lunch box,
There all still in working order