Expect 0.0 mm of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.1 mm precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 3.8 mm precipitation over the next 12 hours.
Expect 0.0 mm of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 3.2 mm precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 4.1 mm precipitation over the next 12 hours.
Expect 0.1 mm of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 3.8 mm precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 4.3 mm precipitation over the next 12 hours.
Expect 3.1 mm of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 4.1 mm precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 4.2 mm precipitation over the next 12 hours.
Expect 0.6 mm of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 1.1 mm precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 1.1 mm precipitation over the next 12 hours.
Expect 0.4 mm of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.5 mm precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.5 mm precipitation over the next 12 hours.
Expect 0.1 mm of precipitation over the next 3 hours.
Expect 0.1 mm precipitation over the next 6 hours.
Expect 0.1 mm precipitation over the next 12 hours.
0.1 mm down as showers in morning and better in afternoon