Long story short, last two days, two lots of neg feedback, I sell a shirt for a £1.00, four weeks down the line, no payment, he lies about "sent cheques" i give neg feedback, emails him, tells him not to bother, a cheque arrives. i duly send the shirt on, i email him, he,s happy, four weeks later he gives out a load of lies, then today, a guy who never paid £5.80 two months ago, gives neg again claiming i received his cheque, i,ve emailed ebay, suggesting, please check my bank acc, for his cheque clearence, and cheque his bank acc for my name against £5.80 !!!!!! its really P-SSED my off today, what do you guys think, any similiar experiences ???
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Ebay, does anyone feel the same ??
hi mate,
i sold an item for about a tenner sent the item off next day RECORDED DELIVERY as i was paid through paypal no probs a thought couple of weeks went by so i emailed the guy 6 TIMES to see if all was ok no repies at all EVEN TRIED TO TEL CALL HIM, 3 to 4 weeks later i refunded him his money,then he left me negative feed back, as i sent it RECORDED DELIVERY i followed it up on royal mails website to find the postman delivered it the day after i posted it originally and he left a card through the door LIKE THEY DO great i thought then the parcel arrived back at my door unopened the guy then got in contact and said the postman never re delivered it back to him which i know they dont you have got to go in person to collect it which he didnt know about, as any one who uses ebay will know this,i got in touch with ebay to complain and its still pending WHAT IM SAYING IS THAT THERE ARE SOME TOTAL WAN---S ON THE INTERNET
then to cap it all off he emailed me to say no hard feelings
total D/HEAD
i have only ever had one bad time. a bloke won an mk1 mexico hubcap for a £1 he never sent the cheque i emailed him 6 times no reply then 5 weeks later neg feed back left on my acc. what a wan**r
it happens all the time m8. but with the mk1 mk2 parts it has been good as there are no real problem ppl out there that want the parts....sigpiccheeRSpaul
I'm 20 mins away from selling an expensive watch on Ebay. I had to relist it after the first time went all to ****. The winning bidder never responded to my emails/invoice, and two runners up didn't want to buy. There was also a bunch of retracted bids with just a few hours to go. I was confused!
I eventually sussed them out.......other people with their own auctions will bid on other similar items to bulk the price up making their own auction seem better deal. They'll bid, bid, bid then at the end retract everything.
This time I posted in red writing a warning that I'd get the law/Ebay involved if I suspected fraud again.
If the winning bidder don't buy this time I'll hit the roof!
Update:- Winning bidder for my watch came through good....paid already!
have never had a problem selling or buying! Have now made about 500 transactions. Quite the contrary, some eMail penfriendships have developed. I've sold and bought from America to Australia using english, german and french bank accounts.
The only inconvenience is sometimes in UK when people don't accept PayPal, bank transfers or credit cards and then it's down to paper cheques in the post.
only ever had bad feedback twice and that was for the same item, my boys 50cc scrambler. it sold twice. the first guy arranged to come and get it and then phoned to say his boiler had packed in and he had to put off buying it, yeah right. then the second time it sold and there was no contact to be had with the buyer at all, then the cheeky feckers gave me neg feedback first, even though my phone number was in the ad. So nobs out there peeps
At least 15% of the general population anywhere are crooks. Why does anyone expect eBay honesty to be at 100% levels?
In actual fact, eBay levels of honesty and blokes actually turning up to buy or look at things advertised is probably x-times better than the old small ads in the local rag and also a lot cheaper and more comfortable.
I reckon that eBay fraud levels are WAY below national averages for all forms of transaction. Start knocking eBay too much and some Eurocrat will get the great idea to "regulate" (=ban) eBay and then we'll all be back in the dark ages.
In the meantime, go to your local Saturday market and buy some genuine original CD's and Videos and compare the rip-offs and con-artists with eBay!
ebay problems
Hi i have had two w*****s regarding ebay one where i sold a mk2 escort rear quarter rubber seal he asked me for the postage and i emailed him the amount next thing he said what a rip off jesus do people want things for nothing he couldn`t drive over to pick up as it would of cost him more.The next was when a chap was selling a Raleigh Chopper gearchanger NOS Buy It Now for £150 he emailed me his details sent cheque of never heard anything for at least two weeks and he said sorry for the delay family problems i`m still waiting a year on :angry8: