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you go girl

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  • you go girl

    cant see our government coming out with this

  • #2
    wish this country would enforce this idea
    AKA The Dipstick


    • #3
      More balls than both Cameron and Clegg.
      That's the way to do it.
      We're not Brazil, we're Northern Ireland


      • #4
        I now like her
        Autumn Has Arrived by Kevin Frost, on Flickr

        CHES'S UNDERSTUDY...........


        • #5
          She has more balls than every single member of parlifart put together

          If we had the same ideas we wouldnt be in such a mess now
          Proud to be the RS500 registrar for


          • #6
            Brilliant! We should do that! But whats betting that the ones that get chucked out come over here and get let in


            • #7
              Been doing the rounds for years that speech, unfortunately not true
              Unmasking hoaxes and exposing scams since 2003! I’m on a mission to make the Internet safer, smarter, and more enjoyable. I’m here to raise awareness about digital dangers and arm users with the knowledge they need to stay secure online. Click to read Hoax-Slayer, by Brett Christensen, a Substack publication. Launched 6 days ago.


              • #8
                Originally posted by RStu View Post
                Been doing the rounds for years that speech, unfortunately not true
                bloody shame that, i agree with every word though


                • #9
                  Unfortuately my PM whom I didn't vote for could acutally come out with something like that but she didn't.

                  Asking people who come to your country to respect your views and traditions could equally apply to many european nations as well as muslims and to be honest it's not indicative of the whole religion just the loony fringe.....

                  Those RSOC members who want to witness what I'm talking aout in regard to the europeans read Tom Chaplin's article in Rallye news about 1987 Bathurst. Imagine being an Australian and readin that load of bollocks in my favourite club mag. Other than being factually incorrect it's actually quite opinionated about Australian culture for someone who has chosen to live in Australia.....we didn't ask him to live here maybe you guys could take him back.
                  Life is Racing......
                  everything else is just waiting

                  ...or buftying.

