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Mine is now Sorted

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  • Mine is now Sorted

    Took it to the carb doctor today and he said nothing wrong with the carb, could be electrical ?

    So he sent me to a fella in another town, this fella does everyday mechanicing, but he also builds race cars and hot rods ! things were looking up

    Soon as I started it he said the cam timing is out ? I said cant be as I marked the vernier wheel and the head, so he did a compression test everything was fine

    he said got to be the valve timing so off cam the covers and hey presto the timing was out by 20 degrees ? !!!!!, I phoned the ones who built the head who said catagorically theey never changed it ?, but it ran fine before

    So Dave set the timing and , I did a test run down the motorway straight up to 120mph no bother at all, just need to sort the suspension, but now I have no time to change it before Cumbria so it will have to do for the moment

    So now a happy camper, also this Dave fella has a rolling road and hes going to set it up for £60- 70 bargin I thought

    all smiles in the sunshine of NI again gloom and doom has been banished

  • #2
    Glad that you are all sorted Brian, see you at Cumbria.



    • #3
      good news m8 gld your sorted


      • #4
        great news that brian ..see you in the graveyard at cumbria


        • #5
          whats this graveyard thing then ? a real graveyard / ex graveyard ? love it


          • #6
            Not too sure meself brian , but apparantly this is where everyone camped last year

            Cant seem to get any details on where everyone is camping this year

