Checked in at Manchester airport at 5.00am on Wednesday for my flight back to Oz, plane was 3 hours late leaving as we had to be de-iced twice (we were turned around just before takeoff as ice had formed on the wings), arrived in Munich to a huge snow fall, runway was closed for yonks we were de-iced twice AGAIN (we were on the ground sat in the plane for around 12 hours befroe takeoff so combined with the late departure from Manchester that'll so far be a grand total of around 17 hours sitting on the plane with no break), when we finally took off we were told that the crew were out of hours so they diverted to Dubai. We now have around 15 hours on the ground so the crew can rest and we'll then carry on to Singapore. I'll then need to catch a connecting flight to Perth so at the earliest I'll be home on Saturday. You can stick your snow up your P hole
