Kev, ive been a stonemason for 24 years now, seen more dust than a Chilean miner in a rock fall - last year at a check up the 'quack' said ive got some of the cleanest ears he'd seen
Kev, ive been a stonemason for 24 years now, seen more dust than a Chilean miner in a rock fall - last year at a check up the 'quack' said ive got some of the cleanest ears he'd seen
you "do the math"
LOL. Mine are gunked up Went to have them done this morning but the nurse (Who was the FITTEST Nurse ever ) Said I have to wait another week as it was so hard. (Wax was quite stiff as well LOL)
LOL. Mine are gunked up Went to have them done this morning but the nurse (Who was the FITTEST Nurse ever ) Said I have to wait another week as it was so hard. (Wax was quite stiff as well LOL)