At 5:30 this evening I at last got the bloody thing to start with remote help Via Mr RS_Martyn Cheers me ole mate, diagnosing the problem by phone LOL
heres a pic to prove the engine running and my little lad wanted to be in it too, found a problem the car is so low at the mo, until I jack up the coil overs the exhaust catches on the end of the drive, the brakes are too spongy too more bleeding needed
taking out into the light by god does it need a good cleaning LOL look at the dash

heres a pic to prove the engine running and my little lad wanted to be in it too, found a problem the car is so low at the mo, until I jack up the coil overs the exhaust catches on the end of the drive, the brakes are too spongy too more bleeding needed
taking out into the light by god does it need a good cleaning LOL look at the dash
