black originally son, bronze for some strange reason sometime during its life unless they used a bronze donor car for panels after it was crashed and rolled, then dumped into a disused quarry
up to you of course, but Java green X looks the danglees (and with "proper" silver painted 7.5's)
No bud it was originally Bronze then changed to black in 1987, all panels are bronze underthe black.
Not sure I could live with bronze, but I have a plan.
Thanks for your input folks, I was bored @ work lol
Gra, don't like all silver 7.5's, so they will be painted a diff colour.
black originally son, bronze for some strange reason sometime during its life unless they used a bronze donor car for panels after it was crashed and rolled, then dumped into a disused quarry
up to you of course, but Java green X looks the danglees (and with "proper" silver painted 7.5's)
i am with gra on this one .mark is it an original rs2000 and if it is and roman bronze then it makes one rare car as the one for edzell ford is the only one i though existed