Bored this afternoon, ventured into the loft and dug amongst the photos, bit of a mixed bag for you all to have a laugh at, please feel free to take the pish ..........thats what we are here for
This would be about '86 , very low mileage Escort Linnet and my mates DT125LC
Prob about '88, Mini Sprite , wish I had it now they are worth a bob or two, used it while OEC was being restored, sure this was an RSOC night treasure hunt thingy ..
Burghley House, 87 ? , bring back the 80's ..... Jak, the future wife then
Another she'll kill me for ..
My first RS2000 , KEC284T , Riviera base model with early seats installed
Used it everyday, rain or shine ...
Drayton Manor RS Day
My 1300 Sport, mint car, one previous keeper a vicar, when I bought it the 'Sport' script had been taken off and it just said '1300', he didn't want to shock the parishoners
My first car, 2 door Avenger with half vinyl roof, I was 16 at the time and my dad used to take me on the back roads learning to drive, the good old days
WTF ......
My DT50M , 83 or 84 , near Sellafield where I would shortly spend 23 years of my life being bored , not to be confused with Sommerfield
OEC running 7.5's in about '91, used the car for work most days and concoursed at weekends
This was after I had sold OEC then bought it back 6 months later, think I must have liked it a bit judging by the photo
My only Mex, sold to Ian Harwood, I gave £300 for it and thought I'd been done
The Mrs, wearing team colours
Think the old Datsun in the background dates this one, my mate on his 900R
K7RUD (L275HKS), concoursed, Gold Cup winner, put me off concours for life, couldn't wait for the season to finish , think Eddie ended up with this car
En route to Europen RS/XR show, 96 ?
Made a change from Escorts, my first TR7
Garage has seen a few motors over the years
Couple of belters to finish off, who remembers The Smiths and Bros ... ?
This would be about '86 , very low mileage Escort Linnet and my mates DT125LC
Prob about '88, Mini Sprite , wish I had it now they are worth a bob or two, used it while OEC was being restored, sure this was an RSOC night treasure hunt thingy ..
Burghley House, 87 ? , bring back the 80's ..... Jak, the future wife then
Another she'll kill me for ..
My first RS2000 , KEC284T , Riviera base model with early seats installed
Used it everyday, rain or shine ...
Drayton Manor RS Day
My 1300 Sport, mint car, one previous keeper a vicar, when I bought it the 'Sport' script had been taken off and it just said '1300', he didn't want to shock the parishoners
My first car, 2 door Avenger with half vinyl roof, I was 16 at the time and my dad used to take me on the back roads learning to drive, the good old days
WTF ......
My DT50M , 83 or 84 , near Sellafield where I would shortly spend 23 years of my life being bored , not to be confused with Sommerfield
OEC running 7.5's in about '91, used the car for work most days and concoursed at weekends
This was after I had sold OEC then bought it back 6 months later, think I must have liked it a bit judging by the photo
My only Mex, sold to Ian Harwood, I gave £300 for it and thought I'd been done
The Mrs, wearing team colours
Think the old Datsun in the background dates this one, my mate on his 900R
K7RUD (L275HKS), concoursed, Gold Cup winner, put me off concours for life, couldn't wait for the season to finish , think Eddie ended up with this car
En route to Europen RS/XR show, 96 ?
Made a change from Escorts, my first TR7
Garage has seen a few motors over the years
Couple of belters to finish off, who remembers The Smiths and Bros ... ?