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How many time have you used your RS this year ?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by sutty234 View Post
    i use mine at least 3 times a week even if its nipping to the supermarket but i`m getting very close to my 3000 mile insurance limit as i taxed it a month earlier this year and i intend to tax it all year round this year and maybe up my mileage limit next year to 5 or 6 thousand miles.
    Good on you too! I will do this nowadays, but have a little routine I go through before strolling in.

    1) Make sure steel wheel centrecaps are OFF
    2) Take HT lead OFF
    3) Apply Disk-Lok
    4) Only go to Waitrose or at a push Sainsbury's....


    • #47
      My 2

      Done about 3,000 miles in my mk2 Mex already this year done the Lakes the Highland Tour and days out here and there. And sometimes i take it to work as well. Also got a MK2 RS2000 which has done about 1800 miles went to Ford Fair Northern Ireland in it and the Lakes Tour. Thats what you've got them for too get used


      • #48
        Use the sport frequently between April and October. I wont go and get the car out if its pouring down with rain, but at the same time, if its rains when im out, so be it. Dry it off and put it back in the garage.

        Have thoroughly enjoyed driving and enjoying it this year.

        Been to several shows and tours. Wouldnt sell it for the world!
        Regards - Dave


        • #49
          Although I do not (yet) have an Escort RS I have same sort of dilemma about owning/keeping/using my Impreza 22B. I haven't had it out this year(!) mainly because the weather was absolutely crap for the first 5 months of the year then my mega busy sumer working season began and I didn't even get to look at it. I absolutely love the car and would drive it more if the weather wasn't so crap- lets hope autumn is better than summer. I dont mind it getting wet and dirty occasionally but it does pi55 me off somewhat that EVERY time it comes out it gets totally manky! It does make me wonder about the sense of having a car like that but, like some escorts, it is an appreciating classic and therefore better than money in some scummy robbing bas7ard bank.


          • #50
            Originally posted by IainRS View Post
            Although I do not (yet) have an Escort RS I have same sort of dilemma about owning/keeping/using my Impreza 22B. I haven't had it out this year(!) mainly because the weather was absolutely crap for the first 5 months of the year then my mega busy sumer working season began and I didn't even get to look at it. I absolutely love the car and would drive it more if the weather wasn't so crap- lets hope autumn is better than summer. I dont mind it getting wet and dirty occasionally but it does pi55 me off somewhat that EVERY time it comes out it gets totally manky! It does make me wonder about the sense of having a car like that but, like some escorts, it is an appreciating classic and therefore better than money in some scummy robbing bas7ard bank.
            22b would love to own one of them any pics


            • #51
              my mex hasn't been out at all this year as it needs a wee bit of work done and im only just getting my garage in a state where i can start to work on the car.
              ive been gagging to take the car out but its mot is out now too. ive got fiona's mk2 more door to use anytime i want but its not the same as my mex.

              the same as mrwatt my 17 month old baby girl is 1st priority after i get home from work and at weekends.
              i was thinking about selling up but i know id be kicking myself big time if i did so as much as i hate seeing it sitting there unused, it can wait. i'll get to it and have fun again soon.


              • #52
                It might not be an RS but:
                2 rallys
                2 track days
                Lakes tour
                A few test runs round home area
                Still to do snowdonia tour
                And at least 3 more rallys


                • #53
                  Originally posted by mrwatt View Post
                  22b would love to own one of them any pics
                  As requested!


                  • #54
                    had my mk1 rs2000 out once this year and the capri maybe five six times


                    • #55
                      Used mine more than I thought I would
                      knockhill x2
                      2 local shows and meet nights aswell as work,I sold my rs2 10 years ago and regretted it straight away but my old sport puts the same smile on my face


                      • #56
                        i burst the bubble after eleven months out she came for the "neal egan run" waxed & detailed was not a bit impressed leaving at 7.20am in the rain after all my effort as one of the NER club members i had to be in the venue to welcome all for eight oc.. stopped bucketing shortly after...but it turned out to be an excellent day enjoyed by all,think the highlight was having the young fella archie (7year old) sitting co pilot in the passanger seat smiling away wearing his new ford cap out on the run loving it allhappy days

