no need to feel sorry paul - all good things come to an end as they say, shes going to a good home, be the 1st time in years that i havernt owned a mk1 - but have one of these strange mk2 things in the garage
but after the ride in lees mk2 up to the boxhill meet my mind was made up, no high speeds involved or anything like that just a nice more refined ride and a lot more comfortable
all good things come to an end as they say, shes going to a good home, be the 1st time........LOL
glad to hear you got rid of the banger, scooter face! if ya want a hand with the mk2, you can look else where.......... i'm sure you will manage. you still gonna get 'the other car?'
if you do ever want a hand, giz a bell, you got my numbers........ and if you are fed up, and want to go out on the bikes for a spin, to make you feel better, i'll happily cover you in two stroke oil.......