That nest above deffo looks alien! Contact Olivia Dunham @ Fringe and tell her I said hello and sorry about the other night.
Taff, I haven't had a fag in almost 3 years and didn't want to start again so give a pack to the kids to split between them.
BUT....Mission accomplished.
I went Oscar-Mike at about 11:30hrs and bar a couple of lazy ones stting outside it was spookily quiet.
Took up the tin and an 8-12 second burst was recommended, but once I started I went a wee bit FUBAR and emptied the tin on them.
Then back to base and received absolutely no recognition of my bravery from my missus.
Just had a recce around ground zero this morning, still saying Frosty just in case, but there is absolutely no sign of any Tangos.
Job done me thinks
Hasta La Vista, Waspy
Or so I thought???????
Sneaky buzzards were lying in wait.
I went to cut the nest down and things kicked off, albeit in a more subdued manner than before.
Needless to say they got some more good news last night.
Or so I thought???????
Sneaky buzzards were lying in wait.
I went to cut the nest down and things kicked off, albeit in a more subdued manner than before.
Needless to say they got some more good news last night.
I decided to take matters in my own hands after everybody tried to kill the wasps that were attacking us.This video was shot in 1992 in Long Island, New York