They might be better than an escort doing what they were designed to do but I bet the escort would get more respect and attention
I was parked up in matlock bath in mine on sunday and it is truely amazing how many people want to stop you and talk about the shonky old ford
I virtually never drive the gt3 other than 2 and from circuits. It is great on track but pretty useless at everything else. Only did 600 miles in it last year.
The fezza's got used even less due to the negative responses from a lot of other road users.
Done 11 miles upto now in the rs and the repsonse from people is fantastic. This is one thing I never expected from owning an old escort
look after it he drove it home like miss daisy or as frostie calls him brian the snail we had to keep stopping so he could catch up it was all or nothing with him plus he had a big grin on his face mind you not as big as his nose on the plus side for me the tramp frostie had a bath so he did not smell
look after it he drove it home like miss daisy or as frostie calls him brian the snail we had to keep stopping so he could catch up it was all or nothing with him plus he had a big grin on his face mind you not as big as his nose on the plus side for me the tramp frostie had a bath so he did not smell