I know what you are going through mate, and I get blamed for picking on my son too.......don't know what it is...mothers and sons!!! It's so difficult, and they can't see that we are only trying to do the right thing by bringing them up with manners, to look after themselves and to care about others. It's put a hell of a strain on our family and our marriage.
Mine are still perfect (6 and 10) but I'm not looking forward to the teens at all.
Bought them a new Wii game yesterday and explained that it was my way of saying sorry for not being able to go to the zoo with them. I finished by saying I know it dosen't make up for the fact I wasn't there to which my boy piped up 'It does for me!'
Gabes good as gold at the moment but he can be a right pain some times always wanting new kit mobile bike trainners but there nowt wrong with the ones hes got i had nothing when i was their age kids are spoilt nower days
I have just changed my mind hes a little(well big) sh it i have banned him from going to the lakes f ooking kids who would have em