2 loads of washing on and put on the line;
Check Ebay to make sure this week's orders are all sent out;
Go to the Post Office to post out regalia/Ebay orders;
Asda shopping;
Body Combat at the gym for an hour;
Box Fit at the gym for an hour;
Clean the house top to bottom (3 hours);
Loads of ironing (2 hours+);
Go over to a mate's house for a Pampered Chef party;
Committee Meeting tomorrow!
I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooo looking forward to next weekend - I won't sleep I'll be that giddy!
You'll see me at the post office for 8:30am next week after a night on the razz at Love Train (70's night) in Leeds to get the road tax for James and Elmo then I'll be going for a blast in the RS16i!!!!
God I hope it's a good weekend for weather next weekend.
Essentially I woke up at 7am, rubbed my balls for a while then got up. I have moved to the sofa now and plan on rubbing my balls all day while the sun beams down through the window, I may even pop out for some new Tyres
well tomorrow i should be taking the mex to this ....
but thats on the basis that TODAY i manage to find someone to weld up the crack in my exhaust i developed on the way home from santa pod last week, doh!
the dads from my lads football team are off out tonight, takin the lads for a nights back to basics camping - should be fun, just getting everything together now anf gotta get the beer on the way
glorious day up in cumbria today. hope its the same in 2 weeks time.
passed loads of old escorts in carlisle this morning. pirelli international rally yesterday and today. could not make it into the forests this morning, but going up to service park later.
well i helped clear out my wife's aunty's house after she sadly passed away
came home cut the grass, boring
then thought i'd better check the RS over ready for the classic ford tour to jersey and the poxy headlights wouldn't work so spent afew hours sorting that out
still she's all sorted now and ready to go on friday, can't wait