Well after 2 weeks away from the car decided to set about the pile of scrap
And all is looking a lot better now
A massive thanks goes to martin (wiggy) who helped me sort the brakes and are now working
also sorted the exhaust so that is a lot better than it was but still not 100% how I would like it
Had the carbs back off to make sure all was ok there , a little adjustment and both the butterflys in the carbs are now opening and closing as should be , also moved the linkage back the the front carb so there is not such a shrap angle on the cable , just awaiting a new cable now from burtons (so I have got 2 brand new cables for webers , the type that uses a block on the pedal for sale, £15 for both, can bring to lakes )
Put the washer bottle in the boot .
just got to get a trailer now and take it to be set up , getting it there should not be a prob now I have the pajero.
so all in all its looking a lot better now after my little mardy spell