Originally posted by NORTH YORKS RS SPARESView Post
you were not asked to repay the money as it wasnt an ilegal claim
if it wasnt ilegal, then it does'nt take someone as clever as me to work out that it makes it legal. So Dave hasnt actually done anything wrong? Then by the sounds off it he has been guilt tripped into trying to be made feel bad for something that he had every right to claim for. May i ask how people are valid to claim for this allowance as he has only clamed for just over 10%?
As Chairman of the RSOC can I give the Clubs side of this.
Over the last couple of years since I took over as Chairman we have reduced outgoing costs of running the club considerably, each committee member has been tasked by me to reduce expenditure in there own area ie: magazine shows regalia etc.
At the reg meeting expenses where brought up, I have no problem with anyone claiming expenses for representing the RSOC in the job they were elected to do. Yes a list of registrars expenses was seen at that meeting but no one was accused of taking the p--s, in fact some of those expenses were from a reg who left 2 years ago. The reg rep as he was asked to do by me put forward to the people in attendance to try & reduce those expenses in the future.
In the minutes a new resolution put forward by myself was agreed by those present to put in a fuel receipt rather than claim the pence per mileage in place, this was agreed & duly passed.
Some committee & registrars claim some dont, ( I have not claimed for many years sometimes to my detriment, but that is my choice) there is no pressure on anyone not to claim, all I have asked is for all to try & keep expenses to a reasonable amount.
I don't want anyone to resign there postition over this issue, the club is not as poorly off now as 2/3 years ago, however we do now run a tighter ship, this has got completely out of hand, & I would ask Dave now on this Forum to reconsider his decision to resign.
if it wasnt ilegal, then it does'nt take someone as clever as me to work out that it makes it legal. So Dave hasnt actually done anything wrong? Then by the sounds off it he has been guilt tripped into trying to be made feel bad for something that he had every right to claim for. May i ask how people are valid to claim for this allowance as he has only clamed for just over 10%?
Cheers Jack
Where has anyone put pressure on Dave
They havent , they just stated that it was moraly wrong , and if you look above Dave has admitted it was moraly wrong
so please dont make it look like i or anyone else is to blame for his actions
He has chosen to resigne even tho been asked not to
,,HIS CHOICE FELLAS , so dont try and pass the blame
The issue of claiming for expences while at shows if these applied
1, were going to anyway
2, were on track at
3, were doing concourse at
were all mentioned at the registrars meeting in 2009 and it was asked that registrars not to claim if any of the above were the case
Yet dave still decided to claim for 2 shows he was on track at and lakes tour
Dave, sad news indeed....you have done a grand job.
I for one can't see the problem if you claimed for the fuel.
At the end of the day you attended those shows on behalf of the RSOC and not as a member of joe public and if the RSOC wanted to question the claim it should of be done at the time of the claim or even refuse the claim and not drag this out at a later date.
The fact is the RSOC payed out so the claims were seen as reasonable and within the guidlines.
The claim wasnt questioned at all
Dave put in the claim and it was paid
Dave chose to put what he had claimed for on the RSOC reg post and he was told that moraly it was wrong by other registrars and the reg rep
Please read post above
it was asked NOT to claim if you were on track at that event
Do the peoples, having a valuation, pay the club, to have this done ?
If so fuel money etc is rightfully able to be claimed.
Originally posted by NORTH YORKS RS SPARESView Post
Are you sure I thought you had to pay £7.50 to RSOC to get an HPI report done before your car was eligible to be Valued.
On a seperate note after reading both sides of this I am personally sorry that Dave has resigned as he is a knowledgeable and approachable (sometimes ) person who is an asset to both the RSOC and all MK2 Escort Owners.
I hope that the club has set down expense claim rules that will stop this from happening again as a mis-understanding or mis-interpretation of the rules has caused embarassment for one Registrar and we as RSOC members have lost a valuable member of our Team.
Are you sure I thought you had to pay £7.50 to RSOC to get an HPI report done before your car was eligible to be Valued.
On a seperate note after reading both sides of this I am personally sorry that Dave has resigned as he is a knowledgeable and approachable (sometimes ) person who is an asset to both the RSOC and all MK2 Escort Owners.
I hope that the club has set down expense claim rules that will stop this from happening again as a mis-understanding or mis-interpretation of the rules has caused embarassment for one Registrar and we as RSOC members have lost a valuable member of our Team.
The HPI does not cover the reg exp tho does it , the money is paid to the HPI Company
The club has these rules in place , Dunc asked that all claimes be put to him before payed so this doesnt happen again and it is this that upset some people
This issue has blown up and got out of hand for no reason its Daves desission to resigne , nobody pushed or pressured him into ot
Looking at this from a totally impartial viewpoint, I think the use of the words 'morally wrong' would p1ss me off. The words suggest he's up to no good. The defence that individuals don't claim expenses, therefore it is morally wrong to do so, is just plain daft! Who made them the moral guardians? The RSOC have a set of rules which Dave has clearly followed, so why make him feel guilty in this way. Surely its up to the 'fund' holder to manage the money and interact at the point where they believe a claim has been 'wrongly' put in. There are clear synogies with the current MP's expenses row that have got dragged into this argument. If Dave attended an event to perform club duties, then he is entitled to claim for his fuel. If he then enjoyed himself as a by product of the event then so what, I'm sure the Queen isn't asked to pay for her FA cup final ticket if she is there to present the trophy. Sh1t analogy I know!
On the other side, although I agree with Dave's reasoning and I can see why the RSOC want to reduce costs, it is a shame he's taken such a drastic step and resigned, when I'm sure a good old barney would have sorted it all out. Have the fight then kiss and make up, isn't that what blokes do? LOL
This is only my view from the thread, I'm sure I haven't all the facts or individuals views, but I'm more than willing to listen to them all at the Lakes, then forget it all over a few beers!!!!