My RS 2000 has not been started since late September 2009.....over the last three days I have been checking things and trying her on the key until the battery has been flattened.... she fired up for the first time.......a little spluttery thru the 40's to begin with then no problems....
This car is just so different to the Big Wing.......I restored her in 2001 and generally..if she starts she can take you anywhere.....
It was nice to hear the 2.1 Vulcan Pinto roar again......
I think this will be my Jersey Tour car....
Redditch she fired up for the first time.......a little spluttery thru the 40's to begin with then no problems....
This car is just so different to the Big Wing.......I restored her in 2001 and generally..if she starts she can take you anywhere.....
It was nice to hear the 2.1 Vulcan Pinto roar again......
I think this will be my Jersey Tour car....

