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Iphone cant swim !!

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  • Iphone cant swim !!

    Doin my tidy up bit before i went to bed last week and when i dropped a cup in the sink i let go of my phone aswell

    did the wrong thing by charging it in the morning and it turns out that my bank account doesn't have the phone insurance i thought it had

    phone still sort of works incoming and outgoin only (didnt realise how sad i was totally lost without it )

    cant see the screen unless its in the correct light and the battery goes flat quicker than it normally did ,which was fast

    well pis5ed off Bill

  • #2
    get it on ebay (tell the truth) they still go for big money broken

    then buy a working second hand 3G

    Nutty Professor


    • #3
      phone still sort of works incoming and outgoin only (didnt realise how sad i was totally lost without it )???.

      Never really bin able to work out much else other than in/out calls, oh! and camera!!.but do get a little 'lost' to say the least if i forget it at home!,A bit like not puttin yer pants on.


      • #4
        well u aint had an iphone then
        I could count on my fingers how many times i've switched my computer on since i got my phone honestly total isolation from all going on around me ,my pics ,music ,internet ,google maps ,games and all my apps


        • #5
          Can you stick it in the oven at a low heat for a couple of hours just to dry it out?
          Works for most other electronics that go swimming.
          We're not Brazil, we're Northern Ireland


          • #6
            Originally posted by oxb1l View Post
            well u aint had an iphone then
            I could count on my fingers how many times i've switched my computer on since i got my phone honestly total isolation from all going on around me ,my pics ,music ,internet ,google maps ,games and all my apps
            No mines not an iphone mate!.Gonna suffer enough with w****rs cramp, never mind having texters finger as well!!!


            • #7
              Originally posted by youngpecker View Post
              No mines not an iphone mate!.Gonna suffer enough with w****rs cramp, never mind having texters finger as well!!!
              LOL ! forgot to mention the wullie thorn

