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noisey neighbours

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  • noisey neighbours

    We moved into our house 18 months ago, neighbours were friendly and polite.

    We have since had several instances where in the middle of the night they decide to run up and down the stairs like kids, bang every door they go through shout and scream.

    They live in a three bedroom house, two parents, two kids two boyfriends, 1 baby, 4 dogs etc.

    They have no consideration for anyone else, they seem to make enough constant noise to keep us awake and not get any sleep until 4 am etc, ive asked them to keep the noise down very politely, as i didn't want to fall out or have any trouble, and they have every excuse under the sun for their noise.

    I leant out of the bedroom window and said (would you mind keeping the noise down a little please) to which they did but the father came round next day thrashed at my front door and very aggressively asked if we had a problem? i managed to difuse the situation (many years doing door work helped i think ) and i was again polite.

    Im starting to get a bit anoyed now as the boyfriend parks outside our house (no problem!) but in the evening every hour or so goes outside with the girlfriend and smokes in the car (no problem!) but he starts it and revs her constantly outside the house with a huge drainpipe exhaust (aghhhh)

    I opened the curtain to see what he was doing and they smiled and waved, (cheeky Bstards ) now im a very easy going person and let it go.

    Last night i went to bed 11pm they were making loads of noise, so at two am i tapped the wall, to which they were laughing and tapped back, ( now i am pi**ed off ) so i get dressed and go knock on the door, yet again i ask politely to please reduce the noise.

    I get nothing but cheeky remarks and sarcasm, im trying to be very calm and sensible about it. but ive got to admit my patience is wearing thin.

    How would you guy's handle it? am i being unreasonable?
    I don't want any hastle or to loose my temper (and its a f**king big temper) but i can't allow it to continue.

    Any advise would be appreciated, as i dont want it to escalate, ive tried talking to him but that just didn't work.
    My 8 month pregnant wife is getting upset about it too which neither she or i need.


  • #2
    two options move or thump them


    • #3
      Cheers steve im getting very close to the latter, ive ploughed to much into the house to move.


      • #4
        A very difficult situation and to be honnest i think you're doing the right thing by being nice . Start tape recording the noise and write it all in a diary for about a month or so and then confront them with the evidence and threaten to contact the local council about it . This should put the wind up them a bit . Failing that then start angle grinding the Escort at 9am every Saturday + sunday as that will be payback !!!!
        sigpic 2.1 ATMO YB POWER .
        Tick tock goes the clock and the clock don't lie .
        12.4sec to 109mph With NO turbo , NO gay trailer , NO slicks , NO gas , NO race fuel and NO bits missing . Beat that !!!!


        • #5
          Similar situation across the street from me 2 sets of neighbours all used to be friends now the cops are never away from the houses and one has the for sale sign in the garden now


          • #6
            i to used to have noisy neighbour's so with the work i do (demolition) i came across one of these and while they were sleeping during the day i plugged it in......

            AIR RAID SIREN


            • #7
              Originally posted by 69-johny-rs-07 View Post
              i to used to have noisy neighbour's so with the work i do (demolition) i came across one of these and while they were sleeping during the day i plugged it in......

              AIR RAID SIREN
              Ha ha , foooookin quality !!!!!
              sigpic 2.1 ATMO YB POWER .
              Tick tock goes the clock and the clock don't lie .
              12.4sec to 109mph With NO turbo , NO gay trailer , NO slicks , NO gas , NO race fuel and NO bits missing . Beat that !!!!


              • #8
                Nice one!
                Yeh, ive racked my brains on what to do!

                I think il try have another word as i expect him to come round and play his face again, to try and provoke me.

                I think this time i may be firm but controled, because ive been polite he has mistaken that for weakness, therefore thinks he can do it all the more.


                • #9
                  1st start keeping a diary of the noise

                  then go to the council

                  I had problems in our last house with noisy dogs but we moved

                  Do you have double glazing?

                  Nutty Professor


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by topaz View Post
                    1st start keeping a diary of the noise

                    then go to the council




                    • #11
                      Yep, but walls in house are thin.

                      I appreciate people make noise, but at 2, 3, 4 am that i feel is excessive!

                      Dogs barking, shouting, crying, rabbit kicking lots outside, doors slamming laughing out really loud, cars revving.

                      Retard neighbours from hell!

                      Ill see what next few day's brings.


                      • #12
                        How about a Rallye Sport Escorts sleepover and pyjama party at yours but it only starts as soon as your neighbours finally go quiet and are asleep (we all wait at the local Travel Lodge till you call us - lol)

                        I am sure the sight of Andy C standing in a pink nightie will be enough to get the message across

                        p.s. having been to your house I wouldnt have said it was that type of neighbourhood



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by RS2000CUSTOM View Post
                          I am sure the sight of Andy C standing in a pink nightie will be enough to get the message across
                          god forbid

                          Wayne, give your neighbours telephone no to andyC, then when he is next bored at 3.00 am................



                          • #14
                            organize a party at your house (i suggest a head wetting when the baby is born) and invite the biggest ugliest people that you know (if i lived near you i would come).once the party is in full swing go round to the neighbours house with your "friends" and politely introduce them.make it clear that if the noise carries on your "friends" will need no introductions the next time they meet.i doubt it will stop but you never know.


                            • #15
                              Are there any other neighbours affected by them?
                              Thumping someone will certainly make you feel better but you know in the long run it's going to come back and bite you on the arse.
                              It's one of those ones were you're going to have to do it by the book and start calling the police.
                              We're not Brazil, we're Northern Ireland

