Seeing you cannot slip in the last line of wit as usual then, Its X-Pack & X-Rated
Have to say it for you , well it about you, so obviously you cannot do it and as you would be normal slip in an ole Scarky Post at the end to sum up the tread.
I try , not up your standard mind but give it a go. Bit cheesey too. Anyway here goes:
X-Pack ............X Rated.
and in Blue X-Pack ............X Rated.( RS Blue )
Great to see your still young at heart, having a laugh, that what lifes and the good Lady has a sense of humor too. Lucky you or slap.
Keep the wise cracks coming.your game for a laugh.
Were not here for a long time, were here for a good time. Colin McRae.
Live to Rally, Rally to live. and I really mean it.