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The "Snip"

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  • The "Snip"

    Right then, I know it's not escort related but I need to know peoples opinions on "The Snip" Good or bad, I want to hear them. Would it be best to go private or go with our great!!!!!! NHS?
    Worriedly, Kev.
    Autumn Has Arrived by Kevin Frost, on Flickr

    CHES'S UNDERSTUDY...........

  • #2
    Had it done a year ago

    went in theatre at 10:30 was in the car 11:30 on just the local anaestetic

    got home and a couple of hours later it hurt like bloody hell, but went to work a few days later very gingerly LOL

    had the first to samples and they came back I was still firing live rounds, so had to wait a few months more and now, dead as a doornail


    • #3
      i'd be interested as well kev as i am thinking of having it done -


      • #4
        Oh I it was NHS not private


        • #5
          heard from so called "Mates" at work that it feels like someone pogoeing up and down on your loved ones for 2 weeks?????? :colors:
          Autumn Has Arrived by Kevin Frost, on Flickr

          CHES'S UNDERSTUDY...........


          • #6
            havent had it myself .... yet , NHS must have done it a million times

            ive heard that its nothing to worry about , people have gone back to work the next day ...?

            but where do all the tadpoles go


            • #7

              one thing if you get the local you can feel the doc tugging the tubes not pain, but it really makes you get a sick feeling in your guts for a few minutes


              • #8
                No worries mate took about 15 mins but was there 1/2 a day that was on the NHS. Only a bit bruised ! A lovely little blonde nurse talked to me all the way thru and it didnt move a inch :colors: :colors:
                A guy at work had a general and seemed to have a lot more , er,shall we say discomfort :clown
                Dont listen to what a lot will tell ya , It dosent change a thing afterwords, well apart from 1 that is :tdo13:
                Cheers Paul


                • #9
                  Will be making enquiries on Monday when I go back to work, Anyone know how long roughly you have to wait on the NHS?
                  Autumn Has Arrived by Kevin Frost, on Flickr

                  CHES'S UNDERSTUDY...........


                  • #10
                    No problem went NHS but refered to a private surgeon did it in his office in his big private house.His misses was fetching in cups of tea an talking to me whilst the old prunes where being butchered.Did'nt feel a thing but still sweated like a ba...tard,I hate needles so didn't look at what was going on.Had it done about 6 years ago ,never took the splash and dash just told the misses it has more protien in it and it needed flushing out more regulaly,no more little Skids around so must have worked.
                    Go on mate you know it makes sense !!!!!


                    • #11
                      I've had it done,sounds worse than it actually is to get it done-go on go for it


                      • #12
                        Now to put this into context, you have to appreciate the fact that I am the worlds BIGGEST coward when it comes to doctors/procedures etc. so the thought of having the snip was not exactly welcoming.

                        I've got a few friends who have had it done through the NHS and whilst the procedure has not been a disaster, it certainly has not been the best.

                        I decided to get mine done at a Marie Stopes clinic (in Maidstone, Kent) and I have to say the doctor was brilliant, the nurse was dykey (so no embarrasment about the fact that my dick had shrunk to the size of a maggot on the day) and the actual procedure was over in 4 minutes !

                        No stitches, they just cauterise the wound closed so it looks like someone has stubbed out a fag on your ball bag. I had no swelling, just a little bit of referred pain in my lower abdomen the evening after (this is normal I'm told). Part of the reason I had no swelling was the fact the I sat for the afternoon after the op with a bag of frozen peas on the area - I'm convinced this helped.

                        Trouble with the NHS is that a lot of the time now they refer you to local clinics to have the job done and you get a regular quack who is trained to do it as and when required. If you go somewhere like Marie Stopes you get a doctor who does nothing else but this day in day out. It cost £280 - money well spent and the best days work I've ever done as there is no more worrying every month !!!

                        RSOC Member - 6960


                        • #13
                          got mine booked for end of this month mate, bit nervous but all reports are that it is ok !? ill let ya no !!!!!!


                          • #14
                            If you after a cheaper alternative then why not enquire at the local vets ?



                            • #15
                              Thanx Dave for that. Seen what they did to my cat. He now has a "Vent" where his pride and joys once were.
                              Bet I'm worse than you Arron as to being scared of all things surgery. (I even passed out when I had my tattoo)
                              Autumn Has Arrived by Kevin Frost, on Flickr

                              CHES'S UNDERSTUDY...........

