what alterations do you need for the chimney as well, forgot to ask
if the chimney is lined ie got ceramic chimney liners and they are in good order thats all you need if not you will need a stainless steel liner but they can be quite expensive
ill get the ones that havnt been burnt at the lakes tour!!!
what size room are you warming up oversteer??
Believe its 12x11ft, athough we have a big archway that goes to the dining room (no door)..... so some heat will escape through there, we're going for a 4 or 5kw ...... there is a site somewhere that has a calcuator to help you work out what size stove to get for size of room, just type into google
gonna be a while till we get our woodburner in yet ..... as you can see i still havent quite finished building the fireplace .........
if the chimney is lined ie got ceramic chimney liners and they are in good order thats all you need if not you will need a stainless steel liner but they can be quite expensive
found a lining kit on ebay of all places .... comes with everything you need (except for the flue that comes off the stove as these vary depending on the stove you have)
Whole lot costs about £349 which aint too shabby
if you have "the gas shop" in your town, they will normally come and give you a free estimate of what you need (as long as they think you'll buy from them afterwards, which you wont cause they charge the earth )
The btu rating is mega high and it was ****in roasting in the house!...only thing that made me change back to gas was that the back of the stove and the bottom of it rusted as the heavy rain would sometimes come down the flu...and that was with the top hat on etc...although the fire wasnt lit every day.
My daughter has had one fitted,the problem they had was that all the logs we had from our own trees,etc would not burn,they have to be really DRY .So they bought in about 50 bags of kiln dried timber in bags(expensive I know,but to them its peanuts),and it is brilliant.Chimney lined with stainless steel liner,£600 I believe.Its a German made fire, a friend in Spain has one,and thats from Holland
I fit log burners and multi-fuel stoves, there are a few things to do before you buy one.
First thing is to measure the size of the room so that you will get the correct stove for the room.
Never buy a cheap stove off the internet or from a tool shop (not naming names)
Go to a few local fire shops to see what style of stove you like.
See if you can get a free survey done on you fire place
Only get a HETAS approved fitter to install the stove, if you do not do this you will have problems if you come to sell your house or if you attempt to rent it out. Also if you buy a stove from the internet or from a tool shop you will not manage to find a HETAS approved fitter to install it.
You will only know if you require a liner when a two man smoke test is carried out on your chimney.
I have two stoves fitted in my house and both are fitted with flexible multi-fuel liners. The stoves are both British made one is a Charnwood Country 8 wood burner and the other is a Country 4 multi-fuel stove. These are very good stoves and they come with a 10 year guarntee on the bodies. There are other good makes like RAIS, Morso, and Stovax.