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Charity night in memory of my brother Ste

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  • Charity night in memory of my brother Ste

    Some of you met Ste but most of you didn't so I hope you don't mind me posting this.

    The lads from the local bike club are holding a charity night in memory of my brother Ste on 27 November 2009 to raise money for the MS Society.

    Ste passed away at 9:30 on May 28 2009 and if you read further down you can see why the lads thought this night was warrented.

    The charity evening will take place at St Patrick's community centre on Cranworth Street, Thornaby-on-Tees.

    The night will consist of a band, bingo and a raffle, amongst other things, and the tickets are £3 each - please drop me an email if you want some (you can also pay on the door).

    As Ste rarely wore anything other than combats, camouflage and leather please feel free to turn up in any combination of them but it's not compulsory

    If you cannot attend but still want to make a donation please use this page to do so, and thank you -

    Also, if you would like to donate any prizes for the raffle, again please let me know.

    On May 24 my 39 year old brother Ste was taken into the Emergency Assessment unit at the local hospital with a suspected chest infection, however, 3 years earlier he had been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and it had not been kind to him and was very aggressive so by this point he was virtually bed bound. So, being too weak to fight the infection it progressed to full blown pneumonia and he was admitted into hospital and then a day later into intensive care.

    He was making good progress and on the Tuesday afternoon the nurses were actually looking to discharge him back to the ward but at 5pm he started to deteriorate and by the time I arrived back at 6pm things were not looking good at all. Ste was very poorly and unresponsive.

    On Wednesday morning were we told that we was not responding to treatment and that the ventilator was now keeping him alive rather than just helping him so we should make arrangements for any family and friends to come in as soon as possible.

    Now, Ste knew that this was coming, although not so soon, so he had made his preparations - he was a registered organ donor and had also specified that the relevant tissues be donated to the MS Society for research. This meant that we had to set a time to withdraw treatment and give the surgical team the best chance to make use of the organs and tissues.

    We agreed that treatment would be withdrawn at 9pm on the Thursday night (28 May).

    On Thursday morning I arrived to find Ste a lot more alert, but obviously still very ill, so I sat with him and went through what would happen at 9pm and reassured him that everything he wanted had been set up and that the surgical teams were on standby. He again confirmed that this is what he wanted to happen.

    Most of the family and friends were able to come and say their goodbyes throughout the afternoon and evening.

    Ste had already told us that Nothing Else Matters (S&M Live version) should be played at his funeral, although as I said he didn't expect that to be anytime soon.

    He also asked for this to be playing as we turned off the machines etc.

    At 9pm I set the CD to repeat and my mum, her sisters and I gathered round the bed as the ventilator was turned off. Ste passed away within half an hour, quickly and with no pain, hand in hand with me and with Nothing Else Matters playing in the background. The words were so fitting, possible too fitting

    I have to give maximum respect to Ste for the way he conducted himself throughout - I thought I knew him well but he surpassed all of my expectations and I only hope I can be half as brave when my time comes.

    All of the nurses, orderlies, consultants and donor co-ordinators where hugely impressed with his bravery as usually these things are pre signed and not something that is further discussed with the actual donor on the day.

    As you can see from the photo's I had the coffin custom painted (by Jacko) and a number of the lads attended the funeral on their bikes to give Ste a proper send off as did Mr Kell in his Cossie. You may also notice that my Mk1 used to belong to Ste and he was one of the people who helped me restore it.

    I hope this conveys why we feel this night is deserved so please come along or give what you can and thanks again.

    Love you bro and glad you've gone on to a better place - Respect mate

    Attached Files

    If it doesn't break it's not modified enough

  • #2

    That has brought lots of tears to my eyes. I don't know you (but have seen your car at shows) and I didn't know Ste but I hope that the night goes well and Ste is remembered for the honest genuine person he obviously was.

    Best wishes


    • #3

      Through RS Escorts and track days I have known yourself and Ste for a long time now and all I can say is what a character Ste was - lol

      Having seen the pics of the coffin and the story of how the noise of the motor bike starting almost finished off the vicar I can only begin to imagine the great night of fun and debauchery this "Tribute Night" will be

      Have a drink for me Andy and my thoughts are with you and your family and as for Ste and where he is now I dread to think what he is up to



      • #4
        and a cracking lad he was Andy,like custom says we had many a good laugh at trackdays etc
        have a pint of vodka for me andy

        Too old of a to be F**ked by kittens

        RS MK2 CLUB NO/10

        RSOC NO/22171


        • #5
          very moving words Andy, hope the evening and charity goes well.
          regards dave and ally
          MK2 member 091, RSOC member 2675, RS18 No 001, HRE7724 /50

          My Car in the VbGarage and in My Album


          • #6
            Although before time it sounds like a perfect way to go, surrounded by those who care most for you, and hoping that some good may come from being a donor.
            I'm sure you will have a great evening.
            Best wishes,
            We're not Brazil, we're Northern Ireland


            • #7
              If I didn,t live so far away Andy I would be there, it is great that you are honoring your brother this way and raising money to fight a terrible disease, please raise a glass for him .


              • #8
                Cheers lads

                I forgot about that incident with the bike Dave, nearly gave him a heart attack

                and I should have also added that there are now two ladies enjoying their life because of Ste

                If it doesn't break it's not modified enough


                • #9
                  Was a proud moment when you asked me to be a pallbearer mate, glad to be there for Ste's send off and if I am home then count me in for this future night out.

                  RIP Ste... Hero!
                  RSOC # 15852

                  New Zealand RSOC Editor


                  • #10
                    I think I only met Ste once. Bruntingthorpe at one of the early OSTD's.

                    Quite a character


                    • #11
                      he sounded lioke a top man andy, the tribute night sounds like a great thing to do to remember him by


                      • #12
                        Aye, definitely a character

                        and Dave he would have been proud mate

                        If it doesn't break it's not modified enough

