Watched this last night. As much as I hate the racist thick thug and wish he was dead, He wasn't given a fair chance I hate the BNP with a Passion but do think it was right to have him on the show as it does show there is still a little (not much) freedom of speech left in this country.
agree not a fan of the antics that have been going on, but to be fair he handled the situation quite well
MK2 member 091, RSOC member 2675, RS18 No 001, HRE7724 /50
Theres good points and bads in all party's. That was a gang up and bully without letting him have his say. (whether it be bad or good, we wasnt allowed to hear his side, and decide)
Cant we start up a party, called the non-politically correct common sense party? NPCCSP for short
we need a new party that respects all,Common Respect All People or C.R.A.P for short. jokin a side he had a few good points some terrible ones and the whole thing seemed orcastrated to me
he had a right to be there,but because of the labour partys,stance on imigration,Jack Straw was made to look stupid.the Labour party seem to be afraid of the BNP,with Abbot and Hain complaining that he should not have been allowed on the show.
Even the Conservative woman told Straw that Labours imigration policy was wrong.And thats where BNP are picking up votes ,from disatisfied voters who see all and sundry coming in and getting everthing for free!
Because of all the Knock Griffin by other members we did not get to hear his views on anything,regards the ongoing wars or strikes at all.
Watched this last night. As much as I hate the racist thick thug and wish he was dead, He wasn't given a fair chance I hate the BNP with a Passion but do think it was right to have him on the show as it does show there is still a little (not much) freedom of speech left in this country.
Very well put, if you don't let people here what he has to say and to show himself up for what he is, it only drives racist's under ground.
he had a right to be there,but because of the labour partys,stance on imigration,Jack Straw was made to look stupid.the Labour party seem to be afraid of the BNP,with Abbot and Hain complaining that he should not have been allowed on the show.
Even the Conservative woman told Straw that Labours imigration policy was wrong.And thats where BNP are picking up votes ,from disatisfied voters who see all and sundry coming in and getting everthing for free!
Because of all the Knock Griffin by other members we did not get to hear his views on anything,regards the ongoing wars or strikes at all.
again very well put.
Like most people with half a brain and who's nuckles don't drag on the floor when they walk, the BNP doesn't reflect British people as the BNP is a one policy party. Britain has always been a mixing pot since the days of the Viking & Roman invasions or was that OK because they were white?
Instead of just going on about the BNP's "only white" policy he should of been questioned on budgets, the NHS, Tax reform, defence etc etc to show that the BNP is only a one policy party; if his party gets its way and does repat all non-whites from the UK who in the hell is going to do all the jobs in the NHS alone, it sure won't be the lasy scum that follows the BNP.
what happened to the right to speak why cannt the guy not have is say ,wether people like it or not the bnp are a political party at the end of the day are they any worse than the other political parties who have shafted us for many a year ,I'm not a bnp member and some of the ideas are abit wow but he speaks his mind whereas the other parties are scared to say something in case they offend some minority group
before anybody says or thinks i am not a racist or bigot and donnt support the bnp in any way but its getting to the stage in this country that it feels like as if we are not in charge of our own affairs anymore
Very well put, if you don't let people here what he has to say and to show himself up for what he is, it only drives racist's under ground.
again very well put.
Like most people with half a brain and who's nuckles don't drag on the floor when they walk, the BNP doesn't reflect British people as the BNP is a one policy party. Britain has always been a mixing pot since the days of the Viking & Roman invasions or was that OK because they were white?
Instead of just going on about the BNP's "only white" policy he should of been questioned on budgets, the NHS, Tax reform, defence etc etc to show that the BNP is only a one policy party; if his party gets its way and does repat all non-whites from the UK who in the hell is going to do all the jobs in the NHS alone, it sure won't be the lasy scum that follows the BNP.
Precisely; as much as I would like to see immigration done on a numbers(as opposed to a points system) I can see why we have imported thousands of Eastern European migrants as we have done. Simply, there IS (like it or not!) a white underclass of lazy, scavenging, welfare state spongers, that essentially new Labour and their philosophies went headlong into creating. Now we are in deep recession I would dearly like to see some form of capped immigration, though not through Nick Griffin's closetly disguised form of racial thuggery.
QT the other night was a joke, Griffin should have been allowed to put his case better, though the lynch mob culture that fettered him will make in-roads for their cause (I am a Libertarian and possibly right of centre if it must be known!) Those pratts campaigning outside TV Centre are the enemies of understanding - they would repress the people as much as the BNP themselves would! If they prevent the BNP from appearing, then what are they themselves??The BNP's own policies will be their ultimate downfall.......a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy of doom!! Let nature take it's course is what I say...