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Dunno what to title this thread really ?

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  • Dunno what to title this thread really ?

    About 10 weeks ago, Debbie, the mother of my 2 lovely God-Children, Bethan and Aaron, became a bit ill. She began vomiting a lot, and could not keep anything down whatsoever

    They did loads of tests on her but came up with nothing.....and she obviously lost loads of weight and could only eat protein etc through a tube to her stomach

    She went to Walton hospital a month ago and has been awaiting the test results

    Well, this evening we have had them

    It's cancer of the asophagus

    My Auntie died of the same illness 3 months ago.....6 weeks after becoming ill, but she was a heavy smoker all her life. She was 67. Debbie is 39, never smoked, never nothing'ed...just a good Mum....and an avid church go'er

    Sorry to depress you with this, but I can't get my head around it

    My cars in the VbGarage

  • #2
    life is a bitch and it never happens to the arseholes out there


    • #3
      sorry to hear this aled, lets hope things work out mate.. best wishes to all


      • #4
        Originally posted by LOUIE View Post
        sorry to hear this aled, lets hope things work out mate.. best wishes to all
        same as louie also

        forgot to add that at the end sorry


        • #5
          Really sorry to hear this Aled, anything you need just ask mate

          If it doesn't break it's not modified enough


          • #6
            Hi Aled

            Sorry to hear about this aled really sad
            this happened to a friend of mine last year died with same thing he did not smoke really nice decent bloke his daughter went to school with Sophie, he was 41 no age really
            sad thing is doctors were not bothererd and by the time he had tests was all to late very sad.

            its very true enjoy life while you can you just dont know whats round the corner

            our thoughts and prayers are with you and debbies family mate


            • #7
              never seems to be fair mate does it?? keep strong for her dude, there are so many more people get over cancer these days there's every chance they can sort it.
              Last edited by Chesney; 29-09-2009, 23:16. Reason: spelling
              Ex-Chairman of 'The Clique'


              • #8
                very sorry to here this,its very hard when loved ones take poorly,hope it all works out well in the end for her


                • #9
                  Aled, I'm so sorry to read about this. My lovely sister died 22 years ago, aged 41 years, breast cancer, just taken away from us and we could not do a thing about it. Never a day passes by without a thought for her.

                  On the brighter side, things have moved on in the fight against this horrible disease and hopefully Debbie has a chance of getting better.

                  If I can help anyway, just ask.



                  • #10
                    all here for ya mate, just yell


                    • #11
                      very sorry to hear this m8,my thoughts are with all concerned.


                      • #12
                        Very sorry to hear this Aled just be strong for yourself and all those around you im sure she will have the best help around her i woldnt wish this on my worst enemy If i can help just give me a call take care mate Andy
                        Difficult roads often lead to beautiful places


                        • #13
                          Sorry to hear that mate


                          • #14
                            Thanks everyone for their kind was quite a shock last night when I was told
                            She is off to Christie's Hospital today, then a big op tomorrow (Esophagectomy) then a course of Chemo and radiation therapy. Having looked on the internet, it seems survival rate is about 16% which is not good. Here's hoping they have found it in time......though they were struggling to diagnose it. She has been ill for many weeks now.

                            Here's hoping ....

                            My cars in the VbGarage


                            • #15
                              Not good.

                              Agree its always the wrong people.

                              Chin up mate.

