today we had our last outing in the escorts or for some of us the 1st outing this year
we started off with visit the dungiven to see a mans collection of mk2s only to find 16 capri's sorry forgot camera @ that stage good day had by all i think docscars will have to sort that stickey throttle cable and others will have to stop using tyre shine on treaded section of their tyres then off around coast road to portrush to large carpark
and alwyen (classic)arrived in his new rs focus
Last edited by acheyford; 27-09-2009, 22:06.
Reason: more pics
sigpicCherish the past, adorn the present,& create for the future.
some nice pics there ma man
w2as this today Sunday??
was over yesterday on a wee tour on ma nike was looking out for some old
Skool but never seen any Port Rush was there about 4pm -5.30pm then
Started heading back to the ferry
stenna was doing a deal £25.00 for bike & rider
£15.00 for the wife this price included breakfast & dinner
wish i had went today though after seeing the cars
stenna was doing a deal £25.00 for bike & rider
£15.00 for the wife this price included breakfast & dinner
wish i had went today though after seeing the cars
yes will do was hoping to see a few cars about
theonly thing i seen or just about seen was the ariel atom that passed me
flaming quick little thing think it was a supercharged one
will be over next year hopefully trying to arrange a triip with some guys from SOSE site done a couple with them this summer & was a couple of good days out
after doing the antrim coast thought it might be worth asking if some of the lads would be up for it
Nice one Jim.
Looked like good run.
Is that KIJ now retired??
yep mike in retirment or fosale which ever
had enough of saloons for a while thinking of going down different route now that doesn't mean KIJ won't make an apperance next year
sigpicCherish the past, adorn the present,& create for the future.