i am buying very much by BURTON. he is very professional and have a lot of parts that we need.
at this moment i have 3 orders running with approx. 7000 GBP. so i am looking for some other stores like burton, but cheaper. i have a price reducing about 15% by burton, thats not bad. but sometimes it is very hard with andy..
have you some links about other onlieshops for me ?
thanks a lot.
i am buying very much by BURTON. he is very professional and have a lot of parts that we need.
at this moment i have 3 orders running with approx. 7000 GBP. so i am looking for some other stores like burton, but cheaper. i have a price reducing about 15% by burton, thats not bad. but sometimes it is very hard with andy..
have you some links about other onlieshops for me ?
thanks a lot.