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A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: herrow
You: been drinking??
Stranger: not tonight
You: Unlucky, I is sloshed
Stranger: if I was smashed I would be talking like ajhkhfkshdghasdGHASJHDGsiodgas
Stranger: Something like that
You: You talk my language then
Stranger: Sweet
Stranger: Only you're smashed now
Stranger: And google translate aint gonna help
You: Drinking Meths. Tis the drink of the gods
Stranger: Right now?
You: Oh yes. Only the blue stuff mind
Stranger: I don't know my types of alcohol well
Stranger: Sticking to vodka and rum
You: Google meths. Absolute peach of a tipple
Stranger: Recommend it?
You: May have a blast on the Mouthwash in a bit
Stranger: Sure thing
You: That also hits the spot
Stranger: My brain hurts from reading the wiki
You: about Meths?
Stranger: Yep
Stranger: More or less like I can't be bothered
You: tis a good read. All the cool kids drink it
Stranger: I don't really care about being cool or fitting in with the srowd
Stranger: crowd*
You: neither do I hence the meths...............
Stranger: Ah I see
You: Afternoon sessions are the best though as you can recover then hit the harder stuff in the evening
You: Like petrol
Stranger: But then what if you need to do stuff in the evening? ;D
You: get it all done during the daytime.....Simples
Stranger: But...the parties...
You: For a party, you are already in the mood. 24 hour party people LOL
Stranger: True that
Stranger: So, where do you live?
You: But leads to a seven day hang-over. But, hey that's the only downside of tramp drinking
You: Somewhere in the UK
Stranger: Holy shit, a 7 day hangover?
Stranger: I can barely survive 1
You: Takes a lot of practice. Been doing it all of a year now so a seasoned professional.....
You: Kind of hinders with my job though as a Chauffeur
Stranger: How does that even work?
You: Listerine helps
Stranger: Well nevermind about that
Stranger: I best be off now
You: ok. smell ya later
Stranger: Nice talking to you
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Originally posted by RStu View Posti keep getting told to f**k off